22 | catch me if you can

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The masses of people are even larger as we try to walk through them. Grayson and I look at each other knowingly when we hear people raving about a girl who claimed to be attacked by some crazy bitch. I have to hold down my laughs as we push our way through.

"Now are you going to tell me where you're taking me?" I ask. As we walk, I can make out a worn track in the ground. It's wide and straight, stretching endlessly in both directions. The race track, I assume.

"I want you to meet a friend of mine. He's going to keep you company while I whip Peter's ass." He nods toward a cluster of people a bit further ahead. The group consists of a handful of girls talking to a tall, black-haired guy. Even from here, I see dark tattoos covering his muscular, crossed arms.

He notices us walking toward him and look toward us, his blue eyes piercing us. For a moment, his objectively attractive face holds an indifferent expression. He must recognize Grayson because he smirks and turns his body away from his previous conversation.

He starts walking toward us and I notice that he's a bit taller than Grayson, although slightly less muscular. But he's just as intimidating as Grayson was the first time I saw him.

Grayson moves his hand from my hand to my waist, stroking my skin to calm me. "Tommy's a bit...vulgar. Once you get past the rough exterior, you realize he's actually the nicest guy ever. And probably one of the smartest, but don't ever tell him I told you that."

"What's up, Gray?" Tommy stops in front of us and holds one of his hands out for Grayson. They proceed to do one of those bro-hugs while I stand there with my hands clasped. After the hug, Tommy turns his attentions to me and his striking eyes analyze me for a second. I don't have the best track-record of meeting people at street races so this interaction already has me on edge.

But then his mouth splits into a grin and he holds arms out toward me. Then suddenly, I'm pressed against his hard chest and his strong arms are wrapped around me in a hug. I'm taken by surprise.

When he releases me, Tommy turns back to Grayson with a shit-eating smile. "Holy shit, Gray. Finally found someone to able to grab you by the balls and reel you in? I never thought this fucking day would come."

At first, I'm taken back by his crass comments, but then I find myself laughing. "Eh, wasn't that hard. His balls aren't that big."

Tommy laughs, punching Grayson's bicep. "She's a keeper, Gray. So why'd you bring her to this shit-show? Trying to scare her off?"

Grayson looks at me. "River can take it. She already socked Eva."

"Shit, really?" Tommy looks at me in disbelief, crossing his arms. "I don't think anyone would be mad if that bitch fell of the face of this planet. She made your life a living hell."

Once again, I'm reminded that Gray dated that atrocious woman. As much as I try to fight it off, jealousy crawls its way up my throat and almost suffocates me. The thought hurts, to say the least.

Tommy notices the uncomfortable look growing on my face. "Don't worry, River. They only fucked a few ti--"

Grayson's voice cuts through his. "Tommy," he says forcefully, a threat lingering in his tone. "That's enough."

Tommy stops and holds his arms up in surrender. "I'm sorry. Sorry, dude."

But I'm already feeling affected by his statement. Although I could have probably assumed that Grayson and Eva didn't just have respectful conversations while they were dating, it hurts hearing Tommy confirm their physical involvement.

I'm silent and Tommy clears his throat to change the topic. "Anyway, I boosted your engine last night, Gray. It fucking sucked changing your tires, painting over the scratches, and getting that motherfucker ready for this race, but I made it happen."

Taming the Street Racer ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora