59 | salty lips

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After my next weekly appointment with Dr. Bahkta, we decide to spend the rest of the day at the beach. It's a day of celebration since Gracie finally has her cast off and has been approved for 'full-range physical exertion' by her doctor. Gray and I load up my car with towels, beach toys, food, Gracie, and Chewie.

And Liam.

Grace begged and begged and begged Gray to let her invite Liam on our beach outing, and he finally caved. We pick up the poor kid on our way, and Gracie could not be more excited.

Violet, Tommy, Sadie, and Peyton follow us in a separate car. For some reason, Peyton makes the fatal decision to let Tommy drive her Bronco, and I let Gray drive my car. Several times on the way the highway, Tommy cuts in front of Gray just to piss him off, throwing up a middle finger as he speeds past us. Gray does not find it nearly as amusing as the rest of us do, seeing as he can't do anything with Gracie in the car.

"Lighten up, babe," I laugh, putting my hand over his.

"I'll lighten up right after I hold Tommy's head underwater for fifteen minutes," he says, all too seriously. From the back, Gracie says that she'll help.

"Oh! Now that Liam's here, we can have an orgy!" Gracie exclaims, jumping up and down in her seat. Liam seems confused, but he starts cheering 'Orgy!' with her. I'm transported back to the night we introduced Tommy to Violet, and Gray had to tell Gracie that an orgy meant eating mozzarella sticks with someone else.

I laugh, and Gray grips the steering wheel even tighter, murmuring about all the ways he's going to kill Tommy.

As soon as we step foot on the sandy beach, Gray tackles Tommy into the water, still fully clothed. They're both laughing as they fight to push the other one's head underwater, calling each other all kinds of obscene names that pretty much no one else would get away with calling them.

As the boys attempt to kill each other, I remind Gracie and Liam to get out of their clothes before they get into the water. Once they're both stripped down to their swimsuits, they sprint to the shoreline. "Be careful!" I yell after them as they leap into the water and swim toward Gray and Tommy. Chewie bounds after them, barking and jumping.

Noticing the two seven-year-olds and the dog swimming toward them, the two best friends finally break apart from their fight. Gray lifts Gracie so she standing on his shoulders, then launches her about ten feet away. Then Tommy scoops a giggling Gracie out of the water and launches her right back toward Gray. They keep tossing her back and forth between then, much to Gracie's amusement. When Liam asks for a turn, they start tossing them both around like two rag dolls.

Chewie barks wildly as he paddles around them, wanting in on the action.

"Two gay dads raising their two kids together," Peyton sighs, watching them play. "Love to see it."

I smack her arm playfully. "Help me lay this towel out," I tell her. Peyton and I lay out three towels and are about to lay down a fourth when Violet calls my name.

My head turns to her, but she's not looking at me. She's looking toward the water, and I follow her gaze.

I almost drop the towel from my hands as I watch Gray get out of the water. Droplets cling to every inch of Gray's toned body, and his upper muscles flex as he pulls his sopping wet shirt off. His shorts are soaked as well, and they cling to his thighs, outlining everything. And I mean everything. My eyes are glued to the large outline in his dark pants.

"I'm not even into guys," Sadie says, staring as well, "But hot damn. I think I see the appeal right now."

Tommy takes off his own shirt and shoves Gray to the side. Grinning, Gray shoves him back, and Tommy brings both of them into the sand. They start wrestling, and the two kids just laugh next to them.

Taming the Street Racer ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora