Antz and The Prince of Egypt

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* walks into the Antz world*

Reef Marina: Well, we should be here. I guess this takes place after the movie.

King Trollex: Well, that would talk about the big swimming pool in front of us.

Reef Marina: Okay, we have to welcome them to the Universe. Now let's see. *looks at Map* This only shows the museum! Whatever. We got this. Let's just be friends.

*Reef, Poppy and Trollex then walk into a place with a dimly lit Bar*

Queen Poppy: I gotta admit, this place does not look sunshiny.

King Trollex: Not every world is cupcakes and rainbows.

???: Why, hello. You guys must be from the . . . Trolls world?

King Trollex: Um, yes. My name is King Trollex, over there is Reef, and she is Queen Poppy.

Queen Poppy and Reef Marina: Hey.

Z: Well, my name is Z. It's nice to see you in the DreamWorks Universe.

King Trollex: It's nice to see you too. Also, is that a Z with two E's or no E's.

Z: Nope. Just the letter Z.

Reef Marina: See Poppy, even letters can be names.

Z: Here, I know a drink that everybody knows here.

*at the you know*

King Trollex: Well, I gotta admit, I've never been to a . . . Bar before. Heck, we don't have any in our places.

Z: Well, you're missing out! This has a weird but okay drink.

Bartender: 3 aphids, for the newcomers.

King Trollex: Umm, where do I drink it from? From the mouth? Oh, wow, it's alive.

Z: Actually no, you drink from the . . .

King Trollex: Don't say that. *holds aphid* Well, this will be gross, Trollex, but You Only Live Once, right? *drinks it* *gags*

Z: Wow, I'm surprised, no one's drinked it full.

Queen Poppy: Dude, crazy.

Bartender: *shocked face*

King Trollex: *drinks it full* Oh, God. *gags* *swallows* Anyway, we came to welcome you into the DreamWorks Universe.

Z: You? Welcome us? *laughs*

King Trollex: What's so funny?

Z: Ahh. We were the first world here before anyone else came. Yes, we were made in 1998 of October.

King Trollex: Wow. I wasn't even born in 1998.

Z: Well, our next friends were born in December of the same year. So basically, we should welcome you in the DreamWorks Universe.

King Trollex: Well, thank you. Umm, what happened to Reef?

Reef Marina: *bloodshot eyes* Give me two aphids, please! I'm going commando.

King Trollex: I'm pretty sure he's shocked to be in the movies he liked.

Z: Okay. So anyway, if you always wanna come back, that's fine by us. You probably saw the swimming pool?

King Trollex: Yep. I think we should be on our way. We have a big day ahead of us. Also, thanks for teaching our friend how to drink from the you know of a creature.

Z: Ehh, that's just what we do. We're ants. Always busy, you know?

King Trollex: Yup. Trust me, being a King isn't easy too. Well, see you guys later, and we welcome you to the DreamWorks Universe. Come on, Reef.

Reef Marina: Oh, come on, Bro! This place is gold! Whoo! *shows Rock sign*

Z: See you guys soon!

*outside the Antz world*

King Trollex: Please stop, Reef, just stop.

Reef Marina: Don't you get it? You see the drinks?! I am Mrs. Nesbitt! *laughs uncontrollably*

King Trollex: Snap out of it! *slaps Reef in the head*

Reef Marina: I really don't recall what got in to me. Anyway, the next world was The Prince of Egypt and was born in December 1998.

King Trollex: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's walk in.

Reef Marina: Well, just remember, these are humans. And we're Trolls.

*jumps into The Prince of Egypt World*

*appear on a Camel*

Reef Marina: So, we're on a camel.

King Trollex: What day is it?

Queen Poppy: Wednesday.

King Trollex: Hump Day! *does the floss on the camel*

Reef Marina: Stop! Remember, these people weren't really the 2020's kind. This was created in 1998. Remember? No phones, Universe just started. Pay to Call? A Bug's Life? VHS?!

King Trollex: Oh.

Moses: Come on, you nice camels. Back in your den. Ooh, and it looks look you brought some fishes.

King Trollex: We're merman actually. And she's a Troll. We're Trolls.

Moses: Ah, I see. From the Trolls world?

King Trollex: Yep.

Moses: Well, we like to welcome people to The Promised Land.

King Trollex: *gasps* It's even more prettier than the movie.

Moses: Yep. Take it away, my friend.

Queen Poppy: Oh, cool! They know how to sing!

Reef Marina: Wow. See Trollex is having fun. You should too. Get on in there.

Queen Poppy: Oh, no, I cant. *runs in to join Trollex* *grabs Reef's hand*

Reef Marina: Whoa! *dances with them*

Moses: You know, Even though you may be 6 feet, that doesn't mean, you cant do a lot of great things.

King Trollex: Whoa. I'm looking and I see a lot of beautiful life that should be loved and not hurt.

Moses: Life is beautiful. It's nice to see you in the DreamWorks Universe.

King Trollex: It's nice to see you too. Can you tell us where the next World is?

Moses: Well, it was born in March of 2000. And it was born the time when we were the only two worlds.

King Trollex: Thank you so much. We should get going now. It's nice to see you, Moses.

Moses: It's nice to see you too. See you whenever we get the chance.

King Trollex: Good night, Promised Land!

Everyone: Goodnight! *waves goodbye* *Trollex & Gang jumps out*

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