King Trollex in The Moon Universe 2 Official Trailer 1

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Kai: Hey you, who are you, and what is this place?

The Author: This is the human world!

Kai: The . . . Human World?

The Author: Yep!

Kai: And how many people live here?

The Author: About 7 Trillion!

Kai: *inside his mind* Perfect, I've hit the jackpot! All I have to do is have a fight with him . . .

On Christmas day 2020 . . .

The Author: Umm, you do know humans are sensitive, right?

Kai: Oh, yeah, right. *throws him down a cliff, uses his Jade blades to trap him*

From Logan Lasher, author of King Trollex's Adventures: The Drink . . .

Kai: Take his Chi . . . *grabs The Author's Jade Amulet* Perfect. I'm coming back, fishy! And I'll be unstoppable! KAI HAS RETURNED AGAIN!

*in the Moon Universe*

Reef Marina: You alright?

King Trollex: Yeah, yeah, it's just . . . Now that I'm Moon God, I've got a big responsibility to do and more villains to take.

Spider-Man: So this might be bad, but we got some bad news.

King Trollex: What is it?

Spider-Man: That bull is returning.

King Trollex: *gasps*

Sweet vs Mean . . .

Queen Barb: Dude, you gotta learn how to be barbaric!

King Trollex: But I'm not the strong type . . .

Queen Barb: Bro, this is you minus the villain you have to deal with. So be strong!

Blue vs Green . . .

King Trollex: I'm not letting you take my chi or anyone else's!

Only one will win . . .

Kai: Our battle will be legendary.

But we shall see . . .

King Trollex: Come on . . . we got a Universe to save.

King Trollex

King Trollex: I'm under a lot of pressure right now! He's returning and I don't know what to do!


Random Human 1: Wait. A bull riding a bike? Now that's just not nor . . .

Kai: *steals his chi, laughs* This is just too easy.

Reef Marina

Reef Marina: This is your story. You can do this!

Queen Barb

Queen Barb: Just be barbaric!

Bliss Marina

Bliss Marina: King . . . take him down.

King Trollex in The Moon Universe 2:
Kai's Revenge

Kai: I'm back . . .

Everyone: *gasps*

Kai: And I've brought backup. *throws his Jade amulets down*

December 25th 2020

Wanna guess who wins?

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