Chapter 9: Power

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"Wait," said Laura as she looked around nervously. "before you say anything, are there any microphones in these cages?"

Trudy shook her head. "Actually, no. See, most hybrids double dosed can't even talk anymore. We're lucky." she looked away. "I'm so sorry I didn't know about the microphones outside before. Otherwise we wouldn't be like this."

Laura realized then that Trudy was making a great effort to speak. Her voice sounded hoarse and was occasionally interrupted by a bark that slipped out. Laura's friend could only hear her by the extra-sensitive canine ears she had, because her voice was so small.

"As I was saying, the only way would be if you discovered your power, and if it would help us get out of here. But usually the powers are gone or very faint whenever we get double dosed." Trudy said.

Laura's eyes widened. "Powers? You mean like your mind-reading thing?"

"Exactly." she replied.

"Uh . . . so how do I try?"

"Okay, so this has always worked for me. Think about something you love. Like, really love." Trudy made a weak attempt at a smile. "When I first heard about powers, I did that, and my powers just . . . appeared."

Laura shut her eyes tight. What do I love . . . Laura thought. I know! I love Jesus.

Before her nightmare began at the Facility, Laura had tried to sneak out to go to church every Sunday, ever since one of her friends at school took her there once. Her parents never cared to go to church, or were absorbed in their work, so she usually just slipped out after finishing her last bit of homework. She committed her life to Jesus after learning about him and how much he loved her.

Laura had also been praying since she had been here, asking God to help her and give her a way out. At times she felt hopeless, but she knew that He would help her.

As she thought about that, she also thought about Trudy. What a nice friend she was, always trying to keep good spirits no matter what was happening. She had even tried to help her get out.

For no reason at all, her mind flickered to just outside the awful fence, where she had attempted her escape. The wind blowing her dirty blond hair, the beautiful sense of freedom . . .

Suddenly her whole body began to tingle, almost like goosebumps but more violent.

She shut her eyes even more tight and waited for it to stop. The feeling increased more and more until she felt like she had to scream. But then it stopped. Everything was perfectly quiet.

She tried out her other senses before opening her eyes. Laura was still trembling as she took a breath. Dry but cool. Refreshing but fierce. Was that . . . no, it couldn't be. She shuffled her feet on the ground, and it felt like small rocks, which would be what sand felt like in her small state. Laura opened her eyes and gasped.

Her and Trudy were just outside the Facility's fence.

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