Chapter #18

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Chapter 18 - Unedited


Thank the heavens I skipped lunch.

Imagine, if I had to buff all the food that I ate because of the blows I was receiving to my stomach.

Dry heaving was not fun as well, but I found it better.

Uriel had teleported with me to another abandoned warehouse. I was glad it was not Hell. He had tried to make a deal that comprised me giving him my soul, and when I refused; he left Sam to kick me around.

I didn't know how much time had passed; I didn't know if Bea had made it out alive; I wasn't even sure if Viljar was alive.

I just hoped Gen and Gedeon will be able to help them. I wasn't sure if I should be angry at Gen for not getting to us on time, but I'm sure she had a valid reason she wasn't there to help. I refuse to believe anything otherwise; Gen would never do that to me.

If only I could get out of these damn chains, then I'll be able to get out of here. Viljar had explained that the reason I failed the first time was because I used only the purple and white cords. It should have been white, purple and black. Black and white were a representation of my soul.

'Vinculum propatulus.' Whispered a voice inside my head, snapping my eyes open. I looked around and found that it was still just Sam and I.

I spat the blood out to the dusty floor and curled my body into a fatal position as pain shot through my body. I felt my eyes sting with unshared tears, but I promised myself I would not cry, not in front of Samantha.

"You should... pray to whoever you... you... believe in that I don't get out of these chains." I gasped out, my chest hurting with every breath I took. "I'm going to kill you Sam." I let out a bitter laugh, "I'm going to destroy you!"

She kicked me again on my stomach with her boots, but because my hands were clenching my stomach, she kicked them instead. I let out a scream when my wrist broke. An excruciating pain almost pulling me under.

"I've been waiting far too long to do this." She tauntend, crouching down so that her face was level with mine. "I don't think I've ever hated anyone the way I hate you." She sneered.

'Vinculum propatulus.' The whisper came again. I was sure the voice was in my head, but I didn't know what those words meant. Even if I knew, my mind was too fried to remember what they were for.

"You're a pathetic excuse of a human being," Sam spat.

With every strength left in me, I reared my head back and slammed it hard on her face, hearing a satisfied crack of her nose.

Sam was taken by surprise and fell back on her behind. Unfortunately for me, that proved to be a bad idea as black spots floated behind my eyes, causing my vision to blur.

"You bitch!" Sam shouted standing up, she was going to kick me again, I could see her boot coming towards my face before I was knocked into darkness.

My eyes fluttered open, and I realized I wasn't in the warehouse anymore, but I was in a white plain room. I was lying on the floor, grateful for the coolness that seeped through the tiled floor. It made my swollen face feel much better.

I slowly set up, teeth gritted as the pain on my ribs and face intensified. I looked around the room and it looked like the one I was in after I died as Jacqueline. I felt panic rise when I thought that this could very much mean I am dead.

"Relax, you're not dead," came a deep voice from behind me. I tried turning my head to see who it was, but I was in too much pain to even talk.

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