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i froze, eyes widened in fear. who the hell was here at 3 in the morning? after a few seconds, there was another persistent knock. i groaned in annoyance- sitting up from my spot and shuffling over to the door. to my surprise, who was on the other side was NOT who i suspected. "seungmin?" i asked, letting him in. "what're you doing here dude it's late?"

the boy giggled, nodding his head. "i know but- i figured you needed some company." he sat onto the hardwood floor, back against the wall. "so what're you doing here, jae? why aren't you with beck?"

i rolled my eyes back into my head, "you KNOW the answer to that question, min." i sighed, taking the seat beside him. "she's done with me i guess." i could feel the heavy reality sink into my heart.

"i just-" the boy began, "i just want you to know that you shouldn't revolve what you do around her. it's your life, you know? this is your career- it's gonna take you places." i nodded along with what he was saying. he was right, it WAS my life.

my head pressed against the wall, "i know. i just wish there was a way we could BOTH stay- you know?" i could feel his reassuring nods through my closed eyelids. they were heavy- i was tired.

"does chris know you're here?" min asked- averting the topic. i shook my head hastily, he most definitely did not. i knew he would INSIST on having me go to the dorms- which i did not want to do. i didn't want to over assert myself. he was my boyfriend- wow that feels really weird to think- and they were my friends, not my babysitters.

"and don't tell him either." i spoke, "you know him- he'd demand to fix it and i just wanna figure this out on my own." the boy agreed, continuing onto random topics like his day or what he ate for lunch. my mind was totally averted from the stressful topics we once discussed- instead i was laughing along with him.

after what felt like years of talking, he stood up. "are you sure you don't want me to stay?" he asked. i nodded, thanking him and showing him out the door. i flicked off the studio lights and made my way back to my blankets and pillows. "i just need to rest." i thought to myself, "go to bed. everything will be fine."


another pressuring knock, only lighter this time rang through the walls. i jerked awake at the sudden noise- only to realize what it was. another person was knocking at the door way too early. i flicked the lights on again, made my way to the door again, and jerked it open again. this time it was most definitely not seungmin.


"𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘪 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦?"

"𝘪 𝘨𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘴."

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