21.9K 981 527

in honor of 200k..

christopher would like to facetime..

4 am- that's what time it was. 4 in the fucking morning. my laptop buzzed in front of me, flashing my tired figure on the front of the screen. i was disoriented as it is- falling asleep on the couch while researching seventeen. i had JUST started to stan right before my eyes drifted closed. but now my rest was no more- chris was calling.

i groaned loudly, hitting the answer button on my screen. a smiling chris popped up in front of me. he seemed to be outside somewhere, his face was bare and his hair a dark brown color. he had some familiar beanie on- he looked like he was dressed for the day, but it was 4 in the morning?

"hello?" i answered groggily, ruffling my hair in the reflection. he beamed once he heard my voice- but frowned at my disgruntled figure.

"jae, can you buzz me in please? i need to come up there." he spoke softly. his eyes looked as though they held the stars- so full of light and charm.

i furrowed my eyebrows, "dude it's four am, i have work tomorrow and so do you. why are you here?" sighing in confusion, i got up to the buzzer by my front door. pressing the white button before hearing that obnoxiously loud hum of approval. once i sat back down, he answered.

"well.. you left your sweatshirt with seungmin! and i wanted to return it to you." he smiled- entering my apartment building. before i could even question why- he hung up. i huffed, flopping back onto the couch. i was not expecting visitors.

"hi." he smiled, entering into my living room. "this place is super cool." the boy gawked. chris stood in front of me, dressed in all black, my tan sweatshirt hooked between his arm and his side.

"thanks." i groggily stated, reaching for my sweatshirt. "thanks for this too but um, why are you here at 4 am chris? if you were anyone else i'd knock you to the floor."

he sighed, obviously bothered by something. i gestured for him to sit beside me and he did, grabbing my monkey stuffed animal i've slept with since the ninth grade. "this is cute." he smiled, his pale cheeks turning up into a light smile.

i nodded, "his name is montay, beck got him for me freshman year. i cant sleep with out it." thinking back to the many sleepless nights in unfamiliar places without it. i stood up lazily- walking towards my kitchen, chris followed. "would you like anything to drink?" i asked him, pouring myself a glass of orange juice as i stared at inner city seoul through my window.

"no, thank you." he hummed. i could feel his gaze burning into my back. i turned around, cocking my eyebrow up at him. he just smiled, not saying anything really. i returned to the table and took small sips of my juice- without the pulp of course.

"why are you here?" i sighed, looking up at him. i was a nervous wreck to say the least. why would someone show up unannounced at 4 in the morning on a wednesday? not for shits and giggles, i know that.

he toyed with his fingers- rubbing the fabric of my tattered stuffed animal between them. i watched chris inhale and exhale softly, still not making any eye contact with me. after a few seconds, i finally heard what he had to say. "i miss you." was all that came out.

"i miss you too chris, you know that." i hummed. "but what if the company finds out? i-i could lose my job, my home, my everything! so could you..is that really worth it?" i asked, my voice practically fading into nothingness.

"it's worth it..when i have you." he choked out. i watched salty droplets form at the brim of his eyelids. he softly brushed them away with his sleeve- which made my heart shatter.

i stared..stared at the man before me. the man who months ago was just someone on a screen. someone who made music, someone who i looked up to. but now- he was here, in front of me. he is no longer bang chan, "daddy", whatever stupid nicknames my younger self i had thought of. he was chris, and he was showing me that right here, right now.

i got up from my chair and walked towards him, slinking one leg over his waist to straddle him. my arms fell around his neck as i looked him in the eyes- kissing him. softly, slowly, gently. so delicate that if you were to pull away it would crumble into a million tiny pieces. he wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me tightly. "please never leave." he sighed.

"never in a million years."


don't worry, this isn't the end ;) <3

vlive | bangchanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon