10 | Blue Eyes of Death

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Mad as hell, Renee stomped out of the apartment in a blind rage. She muttered something to herself and repeated over and over that she had had it with men. Vishwa, Anay, they were all jerks. She waited a moment for the elevator, but she did not have the patience for it.

She took the stairs. They went around the side of the old building. The old design of the building had open windows that looked out into the compound below and the sea beyond. Much better for her present state of mind to let that sea breeze do its work and not stuff herself up in an elevator.

Renee grabbed the edge of the wall and walked quickly. Her clacking heels impeded her progress, and then there was all that booze and the pent-up rage within her. Men! She would never have a thing to do with men again if she could help it. They were all such bastards!

She descended the fourth floor and came to the third. At the head of the stairs, her high-heeled foot tripped. Wincing in pain and grabbing her foot, she screamed a loud expletive. She took another step down and stopped.

At the middle of the stairs, there was something.

She shivered. All of a sudden, the cold was immense. She stretched her arm and her fingers felt the icy coldness. What was wrong with that spot? Had something happened to the weather? She looked out of the window at the sea... There seemed to be nothing.

Slowly, as if someone spots a large unfriendly dog sleeping on the ground and tries to slide by sideways without waking him up, Renee tried to walk past that cold spot. If her compromised mind was right, there was something moving there. The staircase lighting of the old building was poor, but there was a darker patch, slightly bobbing up and down like a wavering cloth flag. She breathed hard, knowing instinctively to avoid whatever that was, and stepped to the very edge of the stairs, where the open window was.

A stitch of fear ran through her heart when she saw that thing move towards her.

And all of a sudden, it was on both sides of her, engulfing her in the middle.

She regretted her decision of not taking the elevator now. She turned to go back, back to the lobby of the third floor, or maybe even scoot to the fourth floor and ask Anay what the fuck this was, swallowing her pride, an act that she was no stranger to. But she could not turn. The thing was behind her too, flanking her on both sides, and when she tried to take one step towards it, it was like walking into a cascade of ice-cold sludge.

"Wh-what the fuck is this?" she said, trying to fish out her phone from her bag.

And in that moment, she heard something. A human voice, but she could not make out the words. Heck, she could not even tell if that voice was male or female. But there was that voice all right, and as she stared with her chest heaving into that black mass, she saw something materializing.

And it was a face!

It was a human face with wide staring eyes and mouth opened in a snarl. And those eyes! How horribly blue they were!

It was too much to take as that mouth breathed another gust of cold wind right at her. She recoiled in terror, and that was when she felt the stab of a cold fingertip on her chest, and that was all the force needed to topple backwards over the edge out of the window, hurtling down to the ground below.

Anay was still on the couch when he heard the piercing scream as it faded away to the depth of the building. He rushed to look out of the window of his house, and he lost his senses when he saw the body thudding on the ground. The next moment, Renee was spattered on the ground, her limbs broken and twisted at an obscene angle. Her eyes were still open. She saw him in the window for a brief heart-stopping moment, tried to say something, and then writhing in maddening agony, she turned deathly still.

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