28 | The Source of All Evil

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"It was the dewy day of the preparations for the school's Farewell party. It was going to be a bittersweet moment for all, but for me most of all. I was going to leave the accursed school forever, but in a way that everyone would remember. I didn't know if I was happy or sad at the prospect of parting from you. I think I was happy. You had hurt me enough. My time was to come. So, as per the tradition of the school, there was going to be a farewell play, and every student had to play a part. I had been chosen to play the part of a fairy! Maybe it was because of my small size, maybe it was something else. The fairy was to fly above the stage, and from this very frame where you are now dangling. Don't you see the poetic irony in that, Anay Ghosh? And it was an evil fairy, one dressed in black robes with many flowing pieces of fabric from all sides to resemble wings, that went about cursing people. It was probably a prelude to the things to come.

"But during the rehearsals, the pangs began. I had never done such a thing. And now, all eyes would be on me in my black fairy costume, flitting all over the stage. When that thought hit me, I could no longer focus. I sat on the edge of the stage, my head buried in my palms, while everyone else went on rehearsing their lines. Several minutes passed like that, and then I felt a hand on my back. I could feel the burly knobs of those fingers and a slight rubbing pressure. For a moment, I thought it was a dream, for I had never been touched like that before. I turned. And who should I see there sitting next to me on the stage floor with his knees drawn up but the hero of the play and the hero of my life himself!

"You patted my back. 'What's bothering you, bro?' you asked as if you had never done anything against me ever. I thought you had probably recanted, and I was overjoyed. In my happiness, I told you what bothered me. And then you told me the words I would remember for an eternity, 'But why do you worry? All you have to do is look at me and forget everyone else. You will do fine; don't you worry.'

"It took everything I had to control myself from grabbing and hugging you tightly. I was boosted with courage. Anay Ghosh had reassured me—my nemesis, who was also the lover of my dreams! My conflicted mind rejoiced. It saw this new turn of events as a big victory. 'But I am not sure of my lines,' somehow, I managed to say.

"At that, with a laugh you said, 'Is that all? Let's do this. After everyone leaves, come back here. Say around five-ish in the evening? Just the two of us. Let's practice our lines together.'

"Oh my God! I wanted to kiss you right there! The handsome bastard! You had called me alone after everyone left. I knew what that meant. My heart skipped a hundred beats. Don't you remember that moment?"

Anay coughed and wheezed. In halting words punctuated with a lot of groaning, he said, "I think... I think something is vaguely coming back to me. I do remember participating in a play on the school farewell day, but I don't remember rehearsing with anyone like that."

"You don't remember it but that play changed my life!" the spirit roared. "That moment when you called me alone meant the world to me. I was there at five. The auditorium was empty. The security guard asked me what I was up to and I said, 'Stage practice.' Then I waited for you, and then twenty minutes later, you appeared. Don't you remember?"

With confused eyes, Anay tried to recollect.

"You had a dress in your hand. A black dress. Just like the fairy costume I was to wear for the play. You brought it to me and looking dearly in my eyes, you said, 'Let's do this rehearsal the right way. I have even brought the costume for you.' Imagine my joy! You were doing things for me! I took the dress from you and looked for a place to change, when you said, 'No, change it right here.'

"With a wildly ticking heart, I then did just that. I got out of my shirt and trousers as you looked at me and put on that black costume. I remember being unable to think of anything else. How would I do the rehearsal with you? And when I stood there, dressed in the black costume that hugged my body tightly and had these shreds flying from all sides for wings, I was on seventh heaven.

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