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"NO WAY!" Sophie exclaims before bursting into hysterical laughter.

I pout in response, "it's not funny."

Sophie wipes a tear from her eye, "going on a vacation and staying next door to your ex is hilarious."

"Sophie, if you and Liam arranged this-"

"Char- it wasn't us. This was an act of fate." She continues at my exasperated expression, "why don't you just swap rooms?"

I slump into my cushioned seat and stare up at the ceiling, "because then he'll know that it affects me."

"But it does affect you," Sophie states matter-of-factly.

"But he doesn't need to know that," I say with narrowed eyes.

Sophie smiles sheepishly, "I think slamming a door in his face may have tipped him off."

I throw a plush pillow at her head. She ducks, allowing it to travel over the sofa where she's comfortably seated and onto the floor. My disappointment at the lack of contact has Sophie giggling.

"Ethan's not winning this one," I say with conviction.

Having heard our conversation from the bedroom, Liam walks into the living room of his and Sophie's shared villa, "why is everything a game between the two of you?"

"Ask Ethan, he started it," I turn in his direction while remaining in my seat.

"Then be the person to finish it." Liam retorts as he holds up two dress shirts, "plain white or blue stripes?"

"Blue," Sophie and I respond in unison.

"You're going to look so handsome," Sophie gets up from the sofa to kiss Liam. Forgetting the shirts in his hands, he wraps her in his arms.

I can't help but smile at their interaction, "save it for the celebration tonight, lovebirds."


"It's been too long!"

I laugh as I'm pulled into what is probably the tenth hug of the evening, each one getting a little bit sloppier as our drink count steadily rises.

"I know! I've missed you," I say, grinning at the short brunette woman standing next to me at the bar.

Janine Adams was Liam's biological mom and my adoptive one. She took me in at sixteen when my mother passed away.

"How are things with the restaurant? Soph- and Liam tell me that it is stunning."

"It's busier than ever. You and David have to come and visit."

"We'll come up for a weekend soon," something over my shoulder catches her attention.

I follow her line of sight and instantly regret it. Ethan is making small talk with a group by the entrance of the waterfront tiki bar. Janine smiles sympathetically, "Liam assures me that you and Ethan are good. Is that the truth?"

I can't lie to the woman I admire most in the world so I settle for a non-committal response, "it's not easy but we're trying our best."

"Sweetie, that's all you can do," she places her hand on my cheek.

I beam at the warm gesture. I truly have missed her. Since she moved to the quiet town of Newbury for retirement, our weekly Sunday night dinners have become a rare occurrence.

"I always loved the two of you together. Is there any chance of reconciliation now that you and Paul are over?" Janine asks, reaching for the menu to peruse our next wine option that I don't need but will definitely drink anyway.

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