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"Look at that tan. And honey, your hair! Hawaii looks good on you."

I blow Mark a kiss through my camera, "I've missed your face."

"I've missed yours more. Everything is running smoothly at the restaurant but hurry home, please. I have no one to gossip with and I'm going insane."

"I'm sure you're doing fine, darling," I laugh at his pout. "Have you spoken to Elio today? Is he packed and ready for his flight over?"

"Hunny, he packed when you asked him to cater the wedding two months ago."

I laugh at Marks' exaggeration. The only person I trust in the kitchen for the big day is my head chef. I was ecstatic when he agreed. "I spoke to Heather on Tuesday but is she still okay to take on head chef duties until I get back?"

"She tells me she's looking forward to it."

"Great," I say with a grin. "I visited the wedding venue and kitchen this morning. Everything is prepped and ready for Elio's arrival tomorrow."

"He's so excited. He hasn't stopped talking about the trip all week."

"He'll enjoy a much-deserved holiday after the wedding. Unfortunately, I'll be leaving paradise in three days."

"I'll see you then. Soooo-" he says with an expectant look.

"Soooo," I repeat feigning ignorance.

I know exactly who he wants to talk about.

"How are Liam and Sophie?"

"More in love than ever."

"And the other esteemed guests?"

"Everyone's having a great time. Our days are spent in the sunshine and our nights include too much alcohol. We even enjoyed a volcano tour yesterday. We saw gold microbial mats, steaming vents, and la-"

"For the love of God, Charlotte. Tell me about, Ethan." His exasperated sigh has me giggling.

"Ethan is good."

"Oh I'm sure he is," he responds with the waggle of his brows.

"Nothing has happened between us. Well, not what it is you're implying."

Mark holds his palm up and gestures for me to continue.

"We just got into a little argument."

"A little argument?" he narrows his eyes at me in suspicion.

"I told him I was done with him."

"Oh, so you had a huge blowout?"

I consider this for a moment, "sort of. But we had an honest conversation and it seems as though we've sorted through some of our issues."

"That sounds like good progress to me."

No progress between us will heal the crack in my heart. Instead of voicing this fact, I simply nod at Mark in agreement, "I'm not sure what you think we're progressing towards but we're good. For now."

"Ups and downs are yours and Ethan's specialty. But that doesn't mean you can't jump back up and get down," his playful wink adds to the suggestiveness of his words.

"Nobody is getting down," I say mimicking his loaded tone.

"Hunny, if you ask me-"

"I didn't ask."

He ignores me and carries on, "you both need to get out all your pent-up anger and frustration by having sex. Sleeping with him is what you require."

"I'm definitely not taking that advice," even though apart of deep, deep down wants to.

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