Chapter 12 ~ Sherlock

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You wake in Mycroft's arms, you didn't remember much of what happened last night. You move and Mycroft wakes and looks down at you worried.

'What happened?' you ask.

'Sherlock shot Magnussen' Mycroft explained 'You had gone into a mental breakdown'.

'Wait. Sherlock shot him' you ask. 'is he alright?'

'Magnussen? No. He has died.'

You look horrified but kinda relived. 'I can go into work now' you say.

'No. You are having a holiday. You have gone through far to much.'

'No, I need to get back' you say. Mycroft looks down at you with a raised eyebrow.

'Fine. But you are staying with me' Mycroft said. Getting off the bed he takes your hand and guides you downstairs.

'Mother, father. We are leaving' Mycroft called

'Oh, my baby' his mom said, hugging him. 'Make sure Sherlock is safe.' she said.

'Yes mother' he said.

'(y/n), look after Mycroft' his mom said and you nod.

'I don't need looking after' Mycroft sneered

'Yes you do' you smirk as you walk out to the car with him.

'You know what this means now' you say.

'hm?' he asks.

'We can tell people now. About us' you say.

'Hmm yes' Mycroft said

'But we still keep it from work' you say.

Mycroft nods and you grin.

'Thank you' you say

'hmm?' he asks.

'For being with me when I broke down. Magnussen. He hurt me' you murmer, rubbing your arms and looking down.

'Thank god he is gone' Mycroft hissed. 'If Sherlock hadn't killed him I would of ordered it myself.'

You drive back to the MI5 offices with Mycroft and get back to work, and while Mycroft was dealing with Sherlock himself you where dealing with what you where going to do with him.

You watch Sherlock go on the plane, sighing as he grins and you give him a hug. 'Bye Sherlock. Its been a pleasure to work with you'. He grins as you walk back to Mycroft. He grabs your hand and squeezes it. You look up at him with surprise, he looks really sad, almost heartbroken.

'It's okay love' you say and he nods.

'I want to talk to Watson.' he said looking at you and Mycroft. You nodded and pulled him towards the car. Sitting next to Mycroft his lip slightly quivers.

'Aww' you murmer, pulling him into a hug. He hugs you back.

'He's never coming back' he said. 'I should get over it' he sniffed. Letting you go you sit with him.

'Oh love' you murmerd. You sit in the car and watch the plane sets off.

Mycroft sighs. Your phone goes off and you listen.

'It's code Alpine' the person said. 'Wait. What?' you asked shocked 'Yes. He is back. Moriarty'.

'Then turn the plane around' you cry.

'yeah, we need Mycroft's permission for that' the person says.

You shove the phone over to the confused Mycroft and soon he also yells for the plane to come back.

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