Chapter 15 ~ Movies And Horror

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'if I recall correctly. It is my turn to choose the movie' Mycroft said.

You sigh, you wanted to watch the second sister act movie. 'Fine' you say. 'You want to watch that noir one again?'

He nods and you trudge with him not to the comfy sofa with the TV but the room with the film reel room which is less comfy. You sit next to him and watch the odd movie.

Mycroft starts quoting the film to you, pulling you into his lap and whispering into your ear. 'You know I could arrest you. For wearing a dress like that.' you giggle and squirm a little

'Would you like me to take it off?' you quote the woman.

'Then I would really have to press charges' he growls in your ear

'Press away' you say seductively. Mycroft smirked and flipped you on the couch, staring down at you.

'I could just keep you on a close watch' Mycroft muttered down at you.

'Very close?' you ask, running your finger along his chest. He goes to kiss your neck when the film reel glitches, showing pictures of his childhood.

Mycroft got off you and started smiling at the old videos. You get up confused. Suddenly "I'm back" filed the screen and the reel blew up.

Mycroft stood, tried to open the door and failing he stepped back. 'come on (y/n)' he mutters 'Its Eurus'. The  door opened and You get up and follow him out, he takes his umbrella and pulls a sword out, going onto a defensive stance. You follow him and get a fencing sword from display case.

'Oh that's why you carry your umbrella around' you murmer 'I want one'

'well you can get one once we deal with her' Mycroft hissed, scared. You both jump when the door slams behind you.

You covered eachother's backs, going down the hallway. You hear running abs a small girl stands in the hallway.

'Come out and show yourself. I don't have time for this' he calls out.

'I'm going to have all the time in the world' the voice said and the girl ran up the stairs.

Mycroft runs after her, you in the rear.

'Mycroft' the voice called out.

'Who are you?' You ask.

'you know who' the voice said

'Impossible' Mycroft stammered

'nothing is impossible, you of all people should know that' the voice said.

You walk down the hallway with him, your sword raised

'I'm coming to get you' the voice taunted 'an East wind is coming'

'You can't have got out' Mycroft stammered on fear.

A clown comes into a hallway with a sword, and you, facing it get ready to fight.

Mycroft pulls out a gun from his sword and fires it over you. It fails.

'There is no use mycroft' the voice said and the clown shreaked and ran at you and him.

You scream and with Mycroft run down the hallway and try and open the doors to no avail.

'Sherlock?' you ask, seeing him walk in 'Help us'

Sherlock whistles and the lights turn on.

'Experiment complete' he said. 'conclusion, I have a sister'

'This was you?' Mycroft asked bewildered. 'All of this was you?'

'Conclusion two' Sherlock carried on 'my sister, Eurus apparently has been incarcerated since an early age in an institution owned by my brother'. 'Hey bro!' he said in a funny voice 'and also hey (y/n)'

'Why would you do this?' Mycroft asks as you put down your sword and cross your arms.

'Conslusion three. You two terrified of her' Sherlock said.

'You don't know what you are dealing with, none at all' Mycroft said angrily

'Well new news, she's escaped' John said

You and Mycroft look at eachother worried.

After further chats (can't be bothered to write it). Sherlock walks towards the door.  'I hope I didn't stop your enjoyment of the movie' he laughed, knowing full well what was going to happen. 'Eurus is coming and someone disabled all your security. Sleep well!' he laughs 'Or not' he winked.

Mycroft looked very angry as they left and turned to you. 'We aren't staying here' he said.

'I still own my flat' you say pulling him onto a hug.

'Yes, we go there. I'm not staying here any longer' he said, running towards the rooms, his sword in his hand he packs clothes to go as you do the same. Turing on security and checking all the windows incase they are open you drive off back to 221A Baker Street.

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