The drunk night.

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Later that day, Liv went to the precinct to gather all her things. Started to look at Eliots desk. Then went back to her apartment

- Olivia's -
I couldn't help that I was leaving Eliot, but I had to I needed a break from everything and everyone for a while. I'm deciding to go out of town for a while maybe a beach house or something. I was so lost and confused I didn't know what to do. I pulled a glass of vodka out of the cabinet and decided to get drunk and try to have fun.

There was a knock at the door. The music was loud, so Olivia couldn't hear. The knock got louder and she finally heard it.

"OKAY OKAY IM COMING UGH" she said annoyed

Eliot was out the door, she slammed the door but he stopped the door from closing. She didn't care she walked away.

"Liv, why are you doing this to yourself?" He asked

She didn't answer she just drank more of the vodka out of the bottle.

Eliot walks over to her and takes the bottle away from her.

"What the hell Eliot! I want you to leave now!" She said angrily

"Whatever Olivia" he puts both hands up and leaves

Olivia gets up and goes out side stumbling

"Eliot" she says

He stops and turns around

"What?" He says annoyed
"I want you to know that I (as she points to herself) love you but see I can't, because loving you only hurt you and I'm not going to do that". She said as she walked away

Eliot just stood there with tears running down his face.

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