Hard or not hard decision?

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Olivia was back. Stephanie's arm was around Eliots and His hand on top of her hand. The stare just made everything worse..

"Hello Eliot, who's this?" she says smiling

"Im his girlfriend" Stephanie budded in.

"Ahh lovely to hear that so happy for the both of you" she says sarcastically but not letting it be noticed.

"Yeah, what are you doing back here?" He said unsurely

"Well, I came to ask for my job back." She says with a glare

"But it's been like 2 weeks so like times up." Stephanie said rudely

"Yeah well you're probably right, but also could be so wrong" she says as she brushes through them

Olivia is back I wanted her to be back. I did I missed her so much. But Stephanie on the other hand was way out of line. So I'm guessing I have to go along with this and hurt liv? No, just because she hurt me doesn't mean I'm gonna hurt her. But I don't get why Stephanie said that. I want Liv to have her job back, I want her to be my partner. But I want her in general because I love her.

Eliot saw that Olivia was hurt.

"Why the hell did you say that?" Eliot asked Angrily

"I know that's the woman who hurt you, so hurt her back. I know you feel better about it." She said sassy

"Well I don't." He said back

"Well you really think she will wanna be you're partner now?" She said laughing

Honestly Eliot needs to have some chill because it was just a joke. I mean come on, she hurt him now it was his turn. It probably did work. Besides I love him Id never hurt him like she did! I don't even know her! But Eliot seemed really mad that I did that I mean I'm sorry and all but it was just how I was raised...

*Eliot has a flashback from the night Olivia got drunk*

It kept replaying and replying


Later, that day Eliot when to Olivia's apartment. As he arrives he knocks..

"I'm coming"she said

"We need to talk" Eliot said

Olivia tries to shut the door but he stops it

"Don't do this again please" he said sadly

She lets him in.

"I love you Liv." He said loudly

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