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Alex and Nora scanned the menu of the local restaurant.

"I don't even know why I'm looking at the menu," Nora mumbled and closed the menu. "Schnitzel it is."

"I will go for it too, I'm in Austria," Alex said and closed the menu as well. "Have you booked your holiday yet?"

Nora shook her head. "I've really no clue what I will do during the summertime. George came up with the idea to go on holiday together, but we have no idea where to." She smiled. "A part of me wants to spend a fortune on holiday, because I haven't got the chance to celebrate Christmas and New Year, but I don't have money. You?"

He smirked. "I see your point, but remember: yolo." He took a sip from his drink. "I will go to LA, Lily will join me and a few mates, we have rented a house, so that will be cool."

"That is amazing."

Suddenly, Alex changed the subject. "How did you know George was the one?"

"Not," she honestly replied. "I mean, I disliked him when we first met, so if you told me I could call George my boyfriend, I would laugh and say you are bonkers back in the days. But you know, things have changed. Out of nowhere, I began to see George wasn't a bad guy over winter break and things went better after that. He was actually a quite funny guy." Thinking about the days Nora and George hated each other, made her chuckle. "I fancied George and at the end even started to love him. Then Abu Dhabi happened, first a moment I will never forget, then the moment I want to forget, but I will always be remembered by it."

"You have quite driven a rollercoaster," Alex commented.

Nora nodded. "You could quite say that." She looked outside. "But it made me realise he was the one." It was silence. "He was there every day at the hospital, he came to visit me as often as he could, he took care of me when I was a mess. And...he must have felt horrible to find out the girl he loves didn't remember his confession. And then the crash. And the fact I have been a massive heartless bitch towards him. I was horrible. Sometimes I just think about the fight, and I still do not understand how he could forgive me." She looked back at Alex. "Anyway, that was not the answer to your question. I knew George was the one after I lost myself and went to Australia. And it suddenly hit me. So I guess the answer is you will feel it at some point? Why?"

"I love your relationship, it's a novel worthy story you have already been through. And George just told me the same," Alex widely smiled. "It's just...it feels so right with Lily, like really good. And I don't know if we go too quick."

"If it feels right, it feels right," Nora simply answered. "And you know when someone loves you, you can feel it." Alex raised his eyebrows. "You can feel it, I swear," she laughed. "I didn't see it because I'm a blind idiot who thought her lesbian sister and George were in a relationship, but I see and feel it now I look back. It's just...you can feel it. You care about me, but it is different from George's side - not in the wrong or offensive way, but it is different."

"Hmm-hmm, I get it, no worries," he replied. "But I don't want to go too fast or rush things."

Nora nodded. "There's no one who is holding you back, Alex. Do what feels right, that's all that matters."

They ordered their food and scrolled through social media. They talked about the usual stuff like the upcoming weekend, families, friends, things you talk about with friends and just enjoyed their time. The food was served, and they began to eat.

"Things are so much easier with you here, at least I have someone who understands German this weekend," Alex smirked and ate a few chips.

Nora smirked. "Yeah, it is not like German or being half Swiss adds something special to my life. Only thing is I have two passports and a place to stay when I am at my mum's. And Seb as a neighbour."

He stopped eating and looked impressed at her. "Seb is your neighbour? As in Sebastian Vettel?"

"Yup. But don't tell anyone, that man knows where I live, so he knows where to find me when things escalate."

"That's so cool," he said and continued with eating. "Never knew that. Now I understand why he's always talking to you, now and in F2, and to Aubrey and your family. I

"Neighbours," she winked. "Not that I spend a lot of time at my mum's."

"It's still cool you can call a four-time world champion your neighbour, wish I could do that. But instead of doing that, I have a small kid who lives in the neighbourhood who is utterly annoying," Alex dramatically said. "And his name is Lando, randomly walks into my house to grab something to eat and leaves."

A laugh rolled over Nora's lips. "Stupid muppet. And yet we all accept it." 

It was race day. Nora was excited, perhaps more excited than George. George looked at Nora, who was looking at the paddock. She sat there in peace, in her own world, watching everything that happened. A smile grew on George's lips, she looked beautiful.

"Ja, ja," she sighed and stretched her arms. "Race day."

George was collecting the last things. "I do have to go now, prepare for the race," he mentioned. She looked at him. "So I have to go."

"Hmm-hmm," she hummed and got up from the stool she was sitting on. She wrapped her arms around his neck and looked at him. "You look so pretty." George put his arms around her waist and smirked. "Good luck, I know you can nail this race."

"I will do my best." He gave her a kiss.

Nora smiled and hugged him tightly. "Watch out and drive safely, but don't forget to have fun," she told him and pressed a few kisses on his cheek.

"I will, don't worry," he promised her.

They let go of each other, and both left the Williams hospitality. After the interview of Thursday, most people were happy to see Nora back, especially to see her smile and laugh with Lando. But when the news came out that Nora and George were dating, things only got better. Everyone was happy for them.

"Good luck," Nora said again and widely smiled. "I love you," she softly said.

"I love you too," George smiled and gave her a last kiss. He walked away from Nora, towards the garage with Aleix on his side. "There isn't much we have to do anymore, right?"

Aleix shook his head. "Nope, everything is ready."

"Good," George nodded and entered the garage of Williams and he and his time made themselves ready for the start of the race from the pit lane.

The Blackout ⤖ George RussellWhere stories live. Discover now