1 - Condemnation

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"Nao. I want to end our engagement. I want to break up."

A deafening silence spreads in the entry of our apartment, only interrupted by the sounds of drops hitting the floor from my soaked work clothes and the bag of groceries for dinner.

"W-What are you talking about, Jun?"

I stare at my fiancé in shock, unable to believe the words he just spoke. There haven't been any signs that it was going badly between us.

Before he can respond a younger, cute girl peeks her head out from our bedroom and stares at us with worry in her eyes.

"Why is Aimi-chan here?"

Why is she in our bedroom? Why is she even here when he is breaking up with me? My stomach sinks at those questions, but I feel like I already know the answer. I clench my hands into fists, as frustration wells up inside me.


I am about to snap at Jun with quivering lips when he raises his voice first, "Stop, I don't want poor Aimi to see you get angry and violent."

The heat in my body dissipates into confusion. Violent? What are you talking about? I've never been violent. I've never hit you, not even for fun, nor ever thrown a violent tantrum like throwing things around. Why are you calling me violent?

An uncomfortable feeling spreads through my body, before my gaze moves to Aimi. She's a girl Jun has been tutoring this last year. She graduated high-school just a few days ago. Is it because of her?

"I love Aimi. She's going to stay with me from now on. As such, please leave... without a fuss. Once you find a place to stay I'll send your things over."

It really is... but why, why couldn't you just have done it normally instead of this! I grit my teeth. Of ways to break up, this is the worst!

"Why should I leave?!"

We both have our names in the contract, and!-

He does a weird flinch as I raise my voice, and then looks away as though I've beaten him.

"Aimi doesn't deserve being thrown out in a weather like this, during a storm. I will protect her, and our relationship. You can just find another place to stay, Nao."

I tear up and the drop groceries. If anyone needs to be thrown out here, isn't it you?! I can't believe that you're not only cheating on me with your former student, but also kicking me out of our apartment in the middle of a cyclone!

"Tears won't work. You don't mean it at all. I'll send your things to you when the storm is over, so find somewhere else tonight."

His expression looks slightly pained as he sees me tear up, but he doesn't budge.

Then Aimi-chan steps forward.

"Please leave! Don't cause Jun-san to suffer anymore!"

She even spreads her arms out protectively. Why? What did I ever do to cause him to suffer?! What did I do to deserve this kind of betrayal?!

"I hate you"

I speak out with a quivering voice and spite in my eyes, as the tears overflow, before storming out the apartment for and slamming the door behind me.

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