Prologue | welcome to the sisterhood

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----------------------> IN A MIGHTY CASTLE HIDDEN from the naked eye and surrounded by deathly powerful enchantments and wards, a beautiful woman sat on a love-seat, eating a piece of chocolate cake

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----------------------> IN A MIGHTY CASTLE HIDDEN from the naked eye and surrounded by deathly powerful enchantments and wards, a beautiful woman sat on a love-seat, eating a piece of chocolate cake. She had lovely, shoulder-length dark locks, flawless Mediterranean skin, pretty eyes to match her hair and a sweet, dimpled face. She looked to be in her early twenties, yet every movement she made was carried out with grace and a certain flair which was hard to imitate and was wonderfully enchanting at the same time.

A knock was heard and a second later, another gorgeous woman entered the room. She was tall with skin as fair as snow, hair as dark as night and her eyes slant, showing her proud East-Asian heritage. This woman too, looked to be no older than her early twenties and her pretty face contained a certain youthful beauty. She walked inside the room elegantly before taking a seat beside the first woman and stealing a bite of the cake.

"A necromancer has been born." She announced, making the first woman give her all her attention and smile.

"Finally," she breathed out. "Please tell me it isn't a male." 

"The gods like us," The second woman said, lips curved into a smile. "For it's a girl from Britain." 

"Shall we inform her parents?"

"Not yet," the second woman replied with a shake of her head. "Arundhati says it isn't time yet." 

"When will it be time then?" The first woman asked impatiently. "This girl is going to be the first necromancer born since Ignatius Peverell. Damn the English and their ability to produce necromancers. When will it be time? The girl has power and she needs guidance. She needs us, Su Kyung." 

"I know," Kim Su Kyung smiled patiently. "Calm yourself, Hera. The girl will face tragedy soon. She will lose her parents. Arundhati saw a man leave the little girl on the doorstep of her non-magic aunt's house. I doubt they are fit to take care of her, so we can take her then." 

Hera Vardalos hummed, taking another bite of her chocolate cake. "How long?" 

"Fifteen months and one day precisely from now," Su Kyung replied, the smile never leaving her face. "Also known as 1 November, 1981." 


✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧

It had not even been a minute since Albus Dumbledore left, when three flashes were seen outside number 4, Privet Drive, Surrey. 

Hera, Su Kyung and Arundhati Kumar: a rather short, beautifully smiling girl who looked to be in her early twenties, with faultless wheat-coloured skin, hazel eyes and a head full of enviable thick, long dark locks that had been currently tied neatly into a braid.

"Now?" Hera asked, her sharp eyes not deviating from the precious bundle that had been left on the doorstep of the house in front of them.

"Now," Arundhati confirmed with a nod.

The three women walked with grace over to the little girl wrapped in a thin blanket and wondered what in Morgana's great name were those stupid wizards thinking when they left an orphaned toddler covered in nothing but a thin blanket on a cold, November morning; not to mention all alone, where Circe knows what harm could have happened to her.

Hera picked up the little girl who was making grabby hands at her while flashing a toothless smile, and Su Kyung picked up a letter that seemed to have been placed on the toddler. Arundhati silently observed the scene from a distance, seemingly lost in her own world as a person who didn't know her would falsely assume.

"What do you See if we leave her here?" Hera asked her casually as she slowly cradled the healthy-looking baby with a bleeding lightning bolt scar. Those wizards hadn't even bothered to clean up her wound!

"Basically, the end of wizards. Think of it like the war started by that German wizard, Gellert Grindelwald but only this time, there would be no neutral parties. You either fought for a side or died," Arundhati replied calmly. "The Sisterhood will be completely fine, of course, but we won't be able to laugh at the foolish mistakes of the wizards anymore." 

"Well, we can't let that happen, can we?" Hera said, smiling softly at the child. "The stupidity of wizards provide us with much entertainment and it would be a shame if that were to stop." 

"We shouldn't interfere in the affairs of wizards," Su Kyung reminded them as the letter that she held in her hand erupted into flames. None of the women blinked an eye at that display.

"You're no fun," Hera pouted before smirking. "But lucky for me, there are many loopholes to shamelessly exploit." 

"Yay," Su Kyung said dryly. "Now can we return home? I'd rather not be around non-magics any longer than I have to." 

"Of course," Hera smiled, eyes fixed on the little girl's green eyes. "Hello, Calissa. Welcome to the Sisterhood of Morgana Le Fay." 

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧

Ten years later, inside Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the staff of this magical academy were left shell-shocked when they received the return letter from Calissa Potter regarding her school admissions, with the sigil of a golden arrow with a golden crown above it. The gold of the crown looking to be dripping onto the arrow, like blood.

They knew that sigil, and oh how they feared the power and ruthlessness of that guild, who was rumoured to be as apathetic as the mage who had founded it.

Respected professor,

I, Calissa Potter, thank you for offering the services of your school to me, but I am afraid I will have to decline on that because my guild master thinks that all of you are so stupid, you would struggle to pour water out of a boot with the instructions on the heel.

No offence, of course.

Thanking you,

Yours truly,

Calissa Potter,

Member of the Sisterhood of Morgana Le Fay.

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