Chapter 3 | and so they meet

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-----------------> MINERVA MCGONAGALL GLARED AT HER COMPANIONS. She would never speak ill of them out loud, but in the safety of her mind, she could happily curse and belittle them all she wanted.

The daughter of two of her former students, James and Lily's too, had her name come out of the Goblet of Fire and the poor girl had neither put her name in it in the first place nor did she have any knowledge of the action.

Minerva mentally sighed. They -she, Albus, the headmasters of the other two schools and a few Ministry officials- were on their way to inform Calissa of her fate. Using the address written on her Hogwarts letter -Minerva had been aghast upon receiving a rejection letter from Calissa, she had been quite looking forward to teaching her- all of them stood before the large iron gate and twenty feet high stone walls that surrounded the property.

"Are we supposed to knock?" Ludo Bagman voiced out loud with hesitation, his nervous shifting of feet revealing just how much he was happy to be standing in front of the residence of the legendary cruel Sisterhood guild.

Not even a second after he spoke, the gates opened themselves, allowing them the path to enter, a step they took as they walked cautiously along the seemingly never-ending pathway to the large castle.

Their confidence leapt when they began noticing beautiful and exotic flowers rather than blackened and wilting ones along the hedges, a pristine and clear lake swimming with a plethora of life rather than a moss-filled one, and a mighty enchanting looking castle rather than a dark and damp one they had been expecting.

As they walked the long pathway, their nerves entangled and their anxiousness built up as if awaiting a horrible revelation that blankly contrasted the pretty atmosphere.

They stood in front of the tall wooden doors and awaited uncertainty.

Once again, Ludo Bagman voiced out loud what they all wanted to ask. Perhaps he was braver than them, after all. "Should we knock?"

"No need," A voice spoke suddenly, making them jump and turn around to face it. Minerva had to keep a hand on her fast-beating heart with hopes that her futile action would calm it down.

A girl -perhaps a little older than those who had just graduated from Hogwarts- was observing them with sharp, calculating eyes and an otherwise blank face. She wore robes as dark as night that easily blended with her skin, and Minerva noted that they were professional-grade duelling robes. Her short, untameable curly hair was let out freely but she made it look almost seductive rather than messy. The girl was also gorgeous, a fact that she obviously knew if the glint in her eye was anything to go by. She also looked quite intimidating with confidence and power entangled in her very speech and movements.

Her eyes causally moved dismissively of the men (Albus included), but stopped for a second on Madame Maxime, the Headmistress of Beauxbaton, and lingered on Minerva herself, causing the girl to smirk.

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