1 🌙 Salted caramel and chocolate

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Luna Larsson

Being a senior at the University of Minnesota didn't exactly go as I imagined. I always thought it would take an eternity to graduate and life here would be boring as fuck. Well, was I wrong. Very wrong. It turned out to be one of the greatest experiences of my life. Partying, passing my psychology classes with my roommate and best friend Sophia Olson, unlimited ice time, and of course I had landed myself a spot next Uni's Captain of the Hockey team, Zander Johnson. We met at my job at the sports bar here at twin cities Campus, and even though he seemed like a cocky ass at first, my handsome customer grew on me, until the point I finally decided to give him my number. Bold, I know... But you should have seen him staring at me during shifts, he was practically asking for it. 

My room was spinning like a carousel while I got ready for the first ice hockey game of the season. For some reason I felt more nervous than last year, and the atmosphere felt ominous even, maybe because this year I actually had somebody to cheer for. Let's hope it's just my stomach coping with that bad pasta. "Are you okay? You don't look too fine." Sophia asked, popping her head inside my room

I shook my head, my hands lacing over my stomach. "Nope, I feel like I'm about to hurl my guts out while my head's about to explode. Maybe it's the pasta?" I squinted my eyes at her as the throbbing in my head got gradually worse, making me sit down at the edge of my bed. I followed Sophia while she disappeared, a distant rumbling sounding from the bathroom cabinet.

"That pasta was fine. Thanks for offending my cooking." I heard her laugh loudly.

"I mean the taste was great but are you sure you're not keeping rat poison under the sink because I sure feel a little like I'm being put down like a rodent." I laughed, my eyes falling on Soho coming into my room, holding something behind her back. Yeah, I knew, the greatest nickname in the history of nicknames. I gave it to her because she dressed up as a hooker for Halloween during our first year here. I declined on dressing like her pimp and went as a nurse... Useful as I had to take care of all the guys whose eyes fell out of their sockets, just looking at her. I couldn't really blame them as she is one of the prettiest people I know, her Eastern roots giving her that something special that really makes heads turn 360. Her black to caramel hair, mysterious brown eyes and ballerina calves rock every outfit she puts on, and I don't mind being her side chick during our little adventures, also known as our wild Friday, Saturday and Tuesday nights, or any other day we like to go out. You might think we are the queens of the party animal kingdom, but we just as much enjoy our cozy movie nights and study banter at the library. That's on the best of both worlds.

She stood in front of me now, holding her hands behind her back. "First on sale we have, these." She smirked, holding up a bottle of mild painkillers. "Or you can always go for this one?" She smirked again and I didn't like where this was going, especially not when she held up a pregnancy test to my face.

My eyes immediately widened, pushing the box out of my sight. "What the fuck Soho. I'm not pregnant!" I yelled fire and smoke, offended that she would think I would ever be so careless. I also put on gloves when I go figure skating, so I would also when going the extra mile with the boyfriend. 

"You never know. Maybe the condom didn't fully do its job?" She pulled her eyebrows up at me, still smirking ear to ear as if this would ever be funny. "Luna, are you sure?" She insisted, holding up the box once more and at this point, headache or not, I had to jump off my bed to get the box out of my face once again.

"Yes! Yes I'm sure." I sighed briefly, rolling my eyes at the situation. "We haven't had sex yet... So yeah, I'm pretty sure." I confessed and at that Soph's jaw dropped through the surface of the earth all the way to who knows where. "Yeah I know!" I yelled at the more than surprised expression on her face.

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