3 🌙 Carry me!

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Jules Martin

I tried to wipe the last thirty seconds from my mind as I clearly heard something I wasn't supposed. She and Zander... Never?

She was still muttering under her breath, softer this time, so I couldn't quite make out what she was saying before she took another swig from that bottle. I lost count of how many she took, but I was pretty sure she was getting a little too drunk. I shouldn't have felt so concerned about that, she wasn't exactly my problem, but still I felt the heavy frown on my face when she took a step back and stumbled. I flinched, stepping closer to catch her even though I should have felt obligated. Before I could reach her, she caught herself, her hand desperately grabbing on to the counter top.

"Come on Luna, the drunker you are the less likely you'll chicken out this time." She muttered softly, but I could hear word for word, very clear, too clear. She can't be serious? Is she really considering... Even though it was none of my business whatsoever, I scoffed at her words. "What?" She turned around, snapping at me, on which my eyes involuntary widened. Not because I was offended, but because I was afraid she was going to smack that bottle on my head, the look on her face pretty pissed. Maybe she should, maybe then I'll get angry and will be able to talk to her without sounding like a broken record. That's a fucking stupid idea. "Tell me?" She said softer this time, her face hurt and questioning even, as if she wanted to hear what she knew deep down, that this is not how she should feel, you know, pressured. She was facing me, as she took a step closer, biting her lip while the frown above her eyes was nearly begging me to speak. I can't. Tell her! Tell her it's not right. Tell her she'll wake up in the morning regretting every decision she makes tonight. "Thanks..." She sighed deeply and disappointed when the room stays too long, too quiet. I inwardly growled at myself, biting my lip to keep in my frustration. I hate not being able to say what the fuck I want because of the way it comes out... Before the accident I was much more like Zander to be honest, a little too confident for my own good. I still was, it just didn't come across like that.

"L-Lu-" I started to talk even though this would change everything. She would make up her mind about me, thinking I'm insecure or broken, but she needed to hear feeling pressured like this wasn't the way it should ever be. I didn't really get that chance to stutter much as in walked Zander, instantly shooting me a glare before going over to his girlfriend, or whatever the hell they were. Great...

He wrapped his arms around her from behind, both of them facing their backs to me. His little brain must have forgotten I was in the kitchen too as he pushed himself into her, holding her tight. I felt like a perv watching the first two seconds of it, so I rapidly looked away. I know what you're doing Zander, making sure I know she's yours, only yours... I'm not from yesterday pal. You can have her... My thoughts were harsh but my face fell when I think of them. The more I saw of her, the more she gave me that angry expression, the more she frowned that cute face, the more her stare made me weak, the less I actually agreed with myself. I wanted to have her, or at least get to know her.

I still looked away, leaning against the counter while I heard them kiss. Even though I wanted to gag, I involuntary followed the sound, catching him as he kissed her neck like the attention seeking bloodsucker he is, pushing her up against the counter. The moment I hear a soft moan coming from her throat I really feel like they really forgot I was in there with them. Fuck him already. I rolled my eyes at the fact she was enjoying it... Of course, she's enjoying it, he's her boyfriend.

I was about to leave the kitchen before they made me puke, when he started to talk, I couldn't contain my curious nature from eavesdropping. "Baby, stay here tonight. Please." He whispered into her ear, yet absolutely not minding the volume of his voice.

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