3. A letter

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"Sally, can you tell us what happened?" The pale man introduced as Remus Lupin asked. "Do you know why they would come after you?"

Sally started to explain what happened. Percy stood up to make something to drink. After he returned with tea for everyone they gladly accepted.
Sally was finished with her story about what had happened.

"Then you guys showed up and she fled away. She said that she had to let him know." She finished taking a cup from Percy.

"Let him know what?" Bill asked.

Sally looked at her son. "That I have a son. I don't know why they find that so important.." She told them. "How did you know to come here ?" She asked them curiously.

"We got a spy, he told us you-know-who was sending Death Eaters to Manhattan to search for you." A red haired guy, Bill says. Sally looked pale.

"You-know-who? I don't know who. Who is who?" Percy asks with a raised eyebrow.
The three people look at him.

"He doesn't know?" The pink haired woman with a difficult name asks.

Sally shook her head. "I just explained it a little to him. He didn't know." She says. "Percy, we don't call him by his real name, we call him you-know-who or he-who-must-not-be-named."

"That sure is a mouth full. What is his real name and why can't you just say that?"
They look at each other.

"Voldemort.." Sally says quietly. "During the last war whenever you said his name, his followers would come to you and kill you. People have feared the name ever since."

"Okay lovely.. So what now?" Percy says moving to another topic. He looks at his mom.

"I don't know.. they know where we live. But we can't just leave." Sally says.

"The boy needs to learn magic. He needs to be able to defend himself. Especially if they are looking for him. Sally, there is a war comming.." Remus says. "You are capable of magic right?" He asks looking at Percy with raised eyebrows.

Percy shrugged. "I don't know. Never tried."

"Have you ever had something weird happen to you? Something strange you can't explain?" Bill asked.

Percy had to try really hard to hide his smile.
If they only knew. "You could say that... But I don't think it was magic." Percy added quickly.

"He should go to Hogwarts, it will be safer for him there." The Remus said.

"Hold on. Where is this Hogwarts?" Percy asked. "Because I already have a very safe place to go to."

"It's in Scotland. Believe me, it is the safest place you could be." Nymphadora insisted.

Percy looks at his mom for help.
"How do you expect him to go? He has missed so many years. Why would you think Dumbledore will accept him so suddenly?" Sally asked.

"We just called him. We told him you had a son. He will be here shortly." Remus told them.
Sally looked defeated.

"Mom.. Scotland?! You know I can't go there.. What about camp, my friends? And dad?" Percy said to his mother in a hushed voice.

"At this point I don't know what to do Perce." She sighed. "Look. Let's just wait for Dumbledore."

"Who even is that?" Percy asked falling back into the chair.

There was a faint sound in the kitchen.
"I am the headmaster of Hogwarts young man."

Percy turned around and there was a very old man standing in the kitchen. He was wearing a grey.. dress? Robes? Percy wasn't sure how to call it.
He took a seat across from Percy. His icy blue eyes looked at him from behind a half moon shaped glasses.

"You are Perseus Jackson I presume?" He asked.

"Yes sir." He says with a light smile.

"Sally, pleasure to see you again." The old man said to Sally who just smiles at him. It was a little bit forced.

"Sir, with all due respect. I really don't think-" Percy tried but stoped talking as Dumbledore holds out a letter. Percy took it hesitantly. The letter had his name and adress on it. "You want me to open it now?"

The old man, dubble door or something nodded.
"If you will." He smiled.

Percy opened his letter with caution. He tried to read it but failed miserably. Dyslexia... He handed the letter to his mom. She understood and read it for him.

"It's a letter of acceptance.. you can attent a year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. You can join the fifth year students." She told him.
Percy looked at her, then at the old man.

"Percy?" She asked. "What are you thinking?"
His mom looked at him with concern.

"Honestly.." Percy whispered. "I don't know.. you know I can't just leave. I have a life here. I can't just abandon my friends and Annabeth.. for a year !" Percy stood up and started pacing. "You know that after everything that has happened.. I need them. And what if they need me, if anything happens.."

Sally stood up and put her hands on his shoulders.
"Percy, listen to me. I know you feel obligated to stay and help your friends. That you don't want to leave her. But they will come after you. You need to think about yourself. About your safety for once." She told him.

Percy looked into her eyes. She seemed terrified.
"What about you and Paul?" He asked her.

"We'll figure something out. I will put on protective spells. They won't find us. Don't worry about us."

"What do you think I should do?" He asked her already knowing the answer.

"You should go. You need to know how to defend and protect yourself against magic." She says. "Please Percy. I know what I am asking of you. And I know it is not fair. But I believe it is the best thing to do."

Percy closed his eyes.
"Annabeth is going to kill me." He said.
Sally smiled. She pulled him into a tight hug. She whispered an apology.. Percy hugged her a little tighter and whispered softly that it's okay.

Percy sat back down.
"Okay.. So what now?" He asked the four wizards in front of him.

"I assume you want to pack your things and say your goodbyes?" Dumbledore said.

"I do."

"Let's meet here tomorrow morning. I will take you to the rest of the order. You can stay with us until school starts." Remus suggested. Dumbledore nodded.

"Good thinking Remus." Dumbledore said approvingly.

Percy sighs. "Okay. I'll head back and start packing." Percy stands up and gives his mom a hug.
"You sure you are okay ?" He asked her. She smiled and nodded. "Wait.. how did Paul sleep through everything?"

"Sleeping spell." Sally said with a shy smile.
Percy looked at her and smiled.

"Sally can I speak to you in private?" Dumbledore asked her. She nodded.

"See you tomorrow mom, it was nice meeting you all. See you tomorrow." Percy said. He left for the roof where Blackjack was waiting for him.

'Everything okay boss?' He asked.

"To be honest. I have no idea what just happened.. Let's just hope Annabeth won't kill me." Percy said.

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