9. The journey

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Percy had enjoyed his time with the Weasleys and the others. But Percy was starting to feel locked in. He wasn't allowed to go anywhere.

Also his ADHD didn't help, he needed to get rid of his energy. So he tried to do small workouts in the room he shared. Percy didn't have the space or privacy to call Annabeth. He really wanted to hear her voice again.

Percy had been struggling with his nightmares.
He had been sharing a room with Harry and Ron.
Harry had also been waking up screaming and sweating. From what Percy had heard, he has been through some things that still haunt him.

Harry had his trial a couple days ago.
Luckily professor Dumbledore helped Harry out.
So he is attending Hogwarts again.

Today they would go to Howarts.
He and everyone else had spend two days packing up. Percy tried to hide his daggers and other small greek weapons. He wasn't sure if the mist works on wizards.

One time Ron wanted to eat some Nectar.
Luckily Percy saw it and was in time to stop him. Or else he would have been burned alive.

They were on Kings Cross Station.
Percy looked around. Last time he traveled with train was on his quest with Hazel and Frank.
Gods he missed his friends.

"Percy?" Harry asked next to him. Percy looked at him. "We need to run straight for the walls."
Percy raised his eyebrow but didn't say anything.

"Ready?" Ron asked. Percy nodded and together with Harry and Ron he ran for the wall.
Percy closed his eyes before he hit the wall.

When he opened his eyes he was still on King's Cross.
But now he was surrounded by people in robes and children with trunks and owls that were flying around.
Percy was standing in front of a big red train.

Percy gave his stuff to a man that put his trunk with the others. Harry and Hermione walked inside and searched for an empty seat.

Percy said his goodbyes to the Weasleys.
Molly hugged him tight and asked him to send an owl every now and then. Percy promised and thanked her again. He waved and together with Ron searched for Harry and Hermione. We found them and sat down.

The train left and Percy was on his way to Hogwarts.
It still felt unreal. His mom went to the same school and learned magic there.

He and the others were talking and having fun.
But then a blonde boy was laughing in the hallway of the train. He had two other kids on either side of him.
He looked at Harry and the others.

"I thought I smelled a mudblood." He said looking at Hermione. Percy clenched his fists and stood up.

"Did they send a babysitter with you Potter. Was the ministry scared of letting you alone?" The kid said.

Percy made his way to the door of the carriage.
Percy was much taller and bigger than the kid or his friends. Percy just looked at them. They seemed to take a step back.

"I think you should leave." Percy said with a dangerous tone in his voice.

The blonde kid looked Percy in his eyes. Almost challenging. Percy wasn't impressed. "Now." Percy said.

The kid looked around and his friends were already gone. He looked back with a glare. He pointed his finger at Percy. Percy looked at it and raised his eyebrow. "If I were you I would watch what you-" The kid began.

Percy grabbed his finger and twisted it.
Not breaking it. Just putting some pressure on it.
He squealed.

"If I were you. I would leave." Percy said.
Percy let go and the blond boy turned around and walked away holding his finger.
Percy closed the door and took a deep breath.

Percy turned around to see the shocked faces of the others. "What?" Percy asked.

"Bloody hell mate.. Mallfoy will not let this one go." Ron said.

Percy shrugged. "What did he mean wit mudblood anyways?" Percy asked them.

"Draco Mallfoy was born in a magical family so he thinks of himself as a pureblood." Percy thought back about what his mother had said about his grandfather and purebloods.
"But people like me. I was born in a muggle family. They consider it as impure. A mudblood." Hermione explains looking at her hands.

Percy looked at her. "You know. I think that you should be proud of that. I mean, brats like him have the stupid privilege of magic. While you are special enough to deserve it. You got to go to Hogwarts because you are special." Percy says to her.

She looked up and smiled.
"Thank you Percy. But Ronald is right. You shouldn't have done that. He will never forget this." Hermione said.

"Him?" Percy laughed. "Don't worry. I had worse things happen to me then him." Percy said smiling. They glanced at him.

"Percy.. can I ask you where you got those scars from? What happened?" Harry asks. "If you don't want to tell it's okay of course. I get that."

Percy was quiet for a couple seconds.
"I have the bad luck that dangerous situation seem to find me." Percy stated. "I also go to this camp and we do very physical training. Sometimes I fall or get injured. Nothing to worry about." He smiled.

The others just nodded and let the subject slide.
The rest of the trip they talked about quidditch, school, teachers and other things.
Percy zoned out, thinking about his friends and Annabeth.

After a couple hours they arrived at their destination.
Percy went with the others.
They walked towards carriages. They were pulled by beautiful creatures. Percy looked at them with fascination. Harry seemed to notice them too but looked wary.

They looked like horses that would pull the carriage of Hades. They are black and look a lot like skeletons with skin. They bowed to Percy.
'Lord Perseus.' They say to him. Percy nodded in aknowledgement.

"Guys. Since when do the carriages get carried by horses?" Harry asks.

"What? They pull themselves like always harry." Hermione says confused.

"You can't see them?" Harry asks them.

'They haven't seen death. We are only visible by those who have seen death Lord.' One of the horses explains.

"They only appear to those who have seen death." Percy tells them. "They are beautiful."
Percy pets the nose of the horse.
He sits down and Hermione seems to be confused.

As they arive at this big, beautiful castle. Percy thought about Annabeth, she would love it here.
Percy got lost in his thoughts.

"Perseus Jackson." An older woman called and Percy was back into reality. He looked over to the woman.
She was wearing a pointy head and a dark blue dress.
She had a stern look.

Percy said bye to the group and walked to the woman.
"Please, call me Percy." He said with a smile.

"Of course. My name is professor McGonagall. Please follow me." She said with a smile.

Myth and magicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora