I Love You Too, FireFly

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(Y/n) and Tails worked day after day, night after night. Their first attempt to bring the Jackal back was a fail. They had realized the flaws and where it went wrong. For their second attempt, after trying for a full week. (Y/n) was surprisingly patient with the process; mainly because of her stubborn and determined personality.

"Ok, we just need to make sure we have everything that is needed in the body" Tails said. (Y/n) took a full body X-Ray. His bones were mechanical bones. However the new Jackal had real blood, organs, muscles, fur, and skin. The two had transfered his working organs to the metal skeleton. Having to replace his heart, lungs, stomach, and reproductive system. The reproductive system redone and insisted to be done by Tails.

(Aren't real facts, just random numbers)
"Ok, 1.2 Gallons of blood, 210 muscles, all of his systems and organs are there, the mechanical skeleton is connected to the brain and working fine" (y/n) said. Tails nodded, looking up to the X-Ray.

"All nerves and moving parts are stable and ready to go" Tails stated. The gang couldn't watch them remake him, too bloody and scary. "Is the compresser ready?" Tails asked. (Y/n) placed an Electric compresser over Infinite's heart. Silently praying he comes to life as she presses a buttons. Sending small electric pulses into his chest to get the heart pumping.

Tails kept his eyes on the heart beat, the pulse number still at 0. (Y/n) noticed this and made the electric pulses a little more intense. After the third small bit of the Electric pulses. The pulse number went up. There was a heart beat. She made one bigger than the last and stopped. Infinite popped his Yellow and Blue eyes open and gasped. (Y/n) nearly dropped the compressers, but set them down and hugged Infinite once he sat up.

Infinite smiled and hugged back, brushing his finger through her hair. (Y/n) happy sobbed into Infinite's chest. Soaking his chest fur with tears. Infinite lifted (y/n) up into his lap and held her. The crew cheered with joy from the other room.

"Why the tears Firefly?" Infinite chuckled. He gently pulled her away from his chest and dried her tears.

"I-I thought I lost you forever, that i wouldn't ever get to hear your voice or feel you touch me" (y/n) yammered. Infinite smiled softly and placed a finger under her chin, making (y/n) look up at the handsome Jackal.

"You won't lose me, if you loved my voice and touch so bad, then you should have just told me" Infinite chuckled. (Y/n) blushed and looked up into his eyes. "You're so cute" Infinite smile, giving her a peck on her lips.

"Yeah?- Well-.... You're-... You're adorable a-and soft!" (Y/n) struggled to find the words she wanted because of how flustered she was. Infinite laughed. "Y-you need to test out you movement, such as walking and grabbing, you have mechanical bones now, the bones in your old body weren't good after the beam hit you" (y/n) hopped off of Infinite's lap.

Standing in front of him, (y/n) grabbed Infinite's hand and helped him off of the table. Infinite wobbled a bit from numbness and laying down for so long. But quickly found balance and stood straight. Walking around while holding (y/n)'s hand, Infinite smirked and lifted her up onto his shoulder. (Y/n) yelped and held onto Infinite's hair.

"You're moving and lifting just fine, and you seem to be pretty strong to" (y/n) giggled. She rubbed and scratched his ears. Making Infinite blush and purr. Smiling as he pinned his ears down with a weird, pleasure filled smile.

"F-firefly Qu-quit" Infinite stuttered. (Y/n) giggled and dug her fingers deeper, making the Jackal give a small moan.

"Sensual nerves working VERY well" (y/n) teased.

"Get a room!" Shadow shouted, walking into the livingroom. (Y/n) smiled and stopped playing with Infinite's ears. The Jackal sighed with relief as he gently placed (y/n) down on the ground. She wrapped her arms around her neck, and Infinite wrapped his around her waist.

"I love you infy" (y/n) smiled. Infinite leaned his head head and connected foreheads with her.

"I love you too, FireFly"

Chapter Count Down: 1

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