The Project and The'Ultimate' Little Sister

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no one's pov

this chapter begins with a look at the reserve department, as we see Hajime eating his lunch while staring at the main course building of Hope's peak. The voice of a bratty girl calls out to him and he looks over at said girl. Thus a conversation begins between the two; Hajime who dreams of being in the main course, and Natsumi Fuyuhiko (little sister of the Ultimate gangster) who wishes to follow her brother and be able to stand by him as his little sister. Natsumi begins ranting about her plans to get into the main course by getting one student removed from the class. This conversation topic angers another student of the reserve course, Sato, a friend of the student that Natsumi wishes to get rid of. The two girls begin arguing as Hajime sits there, unable to do anything to stop them. The argument is stopped when the student from the main course that Natsumi wishes to get rid of appears to stop her friend from angering the little sister. Mahiru,  the ultimate photographer. The three girls used to be in the same photography club back in middle school, but Natsumi was always jealous and angry cause of the talent of Mahiru. Mahiru takes Sato away from the angry girl, so they can have lunch together. However, these arguments are only the start of a disaster that may soon come. Now lets go back to our regularly scheduled story.

Y/n's pov

The class, excluding a few people, is currently outside eating lunch together. I am being forced by both Chiaki and  Ms. Yukizoma to stay with the group. Chiaki is playing a game she only needs one hand for so she can grab me whenever I try to leave, and Ms. Yukizoma is watching us all like a hawk. The way I see things now, I don't have an escape route unless some higher being comes to take me away. I got my escape pretty quickly after that thought as a higher being appeared, the principal walked up and looked at Ms. Yukizoma. "Ms. Yukizoma, one of your students needed to have a meeting with me, would it be a problem if I took him now?" Ms. Yukizoma frowned but nodded "Okay, since we aren't really in class its fine, which student are you needing?" Jin pointed at me "Mr. L/n, we decided to have a meeting regarding an issue he wishes to discus with me" Ms. Yukizoma seemed to frown more but nodded "okay, when will he be coming back to class?" Jin shrugged "that depends on how serious the issue is." I got up and started walking away, leaving a pouting Chiaki behind. I felt kind of bad for leaving her like this, but there were more important things I have to do. I walked with Jin to his office, It was a silent walk but I didn't mind the silence. 

As soon as we got to the office his sat in his chair and looked at me. There were two other people in the room, the drunk guy that was supposed to be my classes homeroom teacher and the old man that talked to Hajime the other day. "now, tell me Y/n, what was this important matter that you wished to discus with me?" his voice was serious now. "Just a concern I have for a fellow student of the academy" Jin frowned "and which student would be concerning you?" I smiled "I'm sure you know him, Hajime Hinata from the reserve department" Jin's facial expression turned more serious "What issue is it that concerns you about him?" I sit down in the seat that is empty "Well, recently I've become aware of a certain project that he would be the subject for." The old man spoke up this time "Oh, how did you become aware of this project." I looked at him "the how is not important right now. As the 'Ultimate scapegoat' I cannot allow someone near me to be put through something so dangerous." Jin spoke up again "I'm sorry, but there isn't any way that such an important project can be stopped." I chuckle and look at him again "I never said I was going to stop it, Just that i couldn't let someone near me go through it" Jin looks at me "so what are you suggesting then" I sighed "Since I am the Ultimate scapegoat, I'm going to take his place as the test subject." Jin nods and thinks "it would be easier to fit talents into someone who already has a talent...and your talent is still too hard to understand." The old man looks at Jin "but what of Hajime, if he is no longer going to be a part of the experiment does that mean he will no longer be staying as a student here?" i frowned "no, since I'm doing this to protect him, his requirements to stay are still being met, your project is still going to go on" Jin nods "I guess we could agree to that, however, people would be more likely to notice a main course student disappearing" I chucked "there is an easy way to make an excuse for that. I came here to discus an important matter with the principal. No one else knows what that matter is. So when I'm gone, that important matter I came to you for can be a family matter that will keep me from coming to school" the old man chuckles "that would work, however we will need to fill in the spot you will leave until the project is done" I shrugged "you could easily have Hajime take the spot as my 'ultimate replacement' " Jin nods "alright, when the project starts we will notify you as well as Hajime. are you sure about this though?" I nodded "I'm sure, taking someone else's place in danger is my talent after all" 

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