Protecting Hope Part 3

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Y/n's pov

the morning had been different from normal since I had to take care of the 2 kids I'd saved. I went to the cafeteria and made food for them at 6 am and brought it back to the room just in time for the alarm to go off. I gave them the food after they had gotten out of bed. After that I gave them some things so they could do whatever morning routine they had. When they finished I had to walk them to the school since if I didn't go with them there would be some issues with the security guards that didn't know they were staying here. After dropping them off at their school, I walked back to the campus and headed to my class. No one else was there yet so I sat down in my seat and took out my phone, checking to see if I had any messages. Surprising there was nothing so I just put it away and took out my gamegirl advanced and played on it. After a while, Chiaki came into the classroom and walked over to her seat next to mine and sat down. I smiled at her "good morning Chiaki" She nodded and let out a yawn before responding "mornin....." "Didn't get enough sleep?" she nodded again, laying her head down on her desk. I chuckled and stared at her "Did you see my text or did you fall asleep before I responded?" she mumbled "I saw it when i woke up....I just didn't respond" I nodded "that's fine, you should take a nap, I will wake you up before class starts." She nods and closed her eyes, going to sleep. I smiled and looked at the time, she would have around 20 minutes of rest before most people show up to class. 

I continued to play games until the door opened again. I paused the game and looked up to see who entered the room. Hiyoko was standing in the door way, looking at me with an upset look. She stomped over to my desk and put her hand on her sides "you better explain why you weren't here yesterday." I stared at her "I texted you the reason why yesterday. I was doing something for the principal" she huffed "what were you doing" "I was teaching a class since they didn't have anyone that was available to do it." she pouted "Why couldn't you have told me that yesterday!" "cause I was in the middle of teaching a class" she lightly started hitting my arm "Meanie! You should have just told me, you better make it up to me for worrying me" "didn't already say that I would?" she looks away from me and crossed her arms "I'm just reminding you baka" I pat her head and chuckle "You are adorable when you are angry" her face turned red and she started punching my side "Idiot!" I chuckled "you're turning into a tsundere on me huh?"She grumbled and kept hitting me "shut up" I smiled and watched her. It didn't really hurt much, so it was just adorable. Eventually she tired herself out and went to her seat, sitting down. I guess at some point during the minor tantrum Mahiru had came in because she was sitting in her seat, holding her camera and smiling. I walked over to her "hey Mahiru, do you still have the pictures from the festival?" She looked at me "yeah, why?" "I was wondering if you could send me them, I'd like to have more thing to remember it by." she nodded and smiled "okay, I will send you the pictures, but I'm gonna need your number to send them to" I nodded and handed her my phone. She took out her phone and put my number into her contacts while putting her number into my contacts. "alright, I will have them sent to you as soon as I can" "thanks" I went back to my seat and looked at the time, gently shaking Chiaki awake so that she had a bit of time to wake up more before class. 

Skipping to the after school stuff cause I'm lazy still

I was walking out of the school with Hiyoko, she was holding onto my arm tightly. Chiaki wasn't there since she had some class rep stuff to do today. Hiyoko smiled as we walked "alright, I've decided" I looked down at her, slightly confused "decided what?" she looks up at me with a smirk "The way you are gonna make it up to me" I nodded "alright, what is it that you decided." "you are gonna take me on a date!" I stared at her "huh?" she smiled at me "if you do that then I will forgive you, okay?" "alright..." "Yay! we aren't gonna do it today cause I want to have more time to enjoy it, so lets have it on Saturday" "okay, are you gonna work on the details for what we are doing or will I?" "I will have it all planned out by then. I will message you later about it so you better pay attention to your notifications, I will be angry if you leave me waiting for a response!" I nodded and she smiled "Okay! I'm gonna go start planning, bye!" She ran off towards the dorms before I could say anything else. I sighed and shrugged it off. I kept walking since I would have to go pick up Kotoko and Masaru from school. On my way there I started coming up with some plans. I knew that I might not be able to take Kotoko and Masaru with me when I go to see them, so I'm going to have to find someone to look after them. I messaged Jin to see if there was anyone he knew that could look after the 2 while I was busy. He messaged back quickly saying there was someone from a related school that is good with kids and he would have them come look after them while I was gone. I sighed and put my phone away as I got to the front of the elementary school. Kotoko and Masaru were there talking with Nagisa out front about something. When they saw me they said their goodbyes and the 2 went over to me. As we left the area, I noticed Nagisa staring over at us, a sad look on his face. 

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