Three Mysterious Trolls

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The next morning, the sun rose from the ocean at the horizon. The picnic blanket was a mess with small amount of punch spilled from the cups, chocolate icing smeared all over, and few small shrimps scattered from the platter.

Trollex and Aggie slept in each other's embrace at the clean spot of the picnic basket.

Aggie slowly opened her eyes and yawned, forgetting how she slept all of a sudden last night. While she was waking up, she could hear heartbeats. This made her snap out of realization as she remembered what happened last night. She had her first date... with the King of the Techno Trolls. And their first date seemed to turn into a play time since they both are still young to be in a relationship.

Aggie jumped off of Trollex, and moved away a little bit, "What the—!"

Trollex snapped awake when he heard Aggie's yelped as he sat up, "What?"

"Did we just—?" Aggie wanted to ask about what happened last night.

Trollex was a little confuse what Aggie said, but he suddenly remembered their first date last night, and they played for a bit.

Both Trolls hoped they didn't do anything much last night as they tried to find a clue if they did gone too far. But it turned out..., they're both clean and nothing happened but just having dinner and kissing. Nothing else

"I guess we didn't," Trollex shrugged while smiling.

Aggie sighed in relief, "Good. I thought we did something last night. I mean we did, but not that far."

The young king chuckled, "I know. I think I'm far too young for this, and I still have a whole kingdom to run."

"I'm too young too, and I still have to find my True Colors soon," the gray troll nodded, "I mean, I won't be so attracted without colors."

"What are you talking about? You're already attracted."

"First date was... kinda fun."


Trollex hovered towards, and gave her a kiss. It was a quick kiss, but it was romantic, and Aggie smiled in respond.

Suddenly, Barb was riding on her motorbug, and spotted the two Trolls on the beach.

"Trollex, Aggie, there you are! I've been looking everywhere!" She then cut off as she observed Trollex and Aggie's surroundings, messy surroundings, "Uh, what are you guys doing?" And then saw how close the two Trolls are, too close, "And did you just—?

Trollex and Aggie quickly jumped away from each other, and tried to act casual.

"Did what?!" Trollex started.

"We didn't do anything!" Aggie grinned nervously.

"Yeah, we're not dating if that's what you think!"

"No! We're just... cleaning this mess. We don't want Techno Reef or the ocean to be full of garbage, right?"

"Yes! As king, it's my duty to protect my home, so that's what I'm doing, and Aggie's here to help me!"

"Yeah, because... that's what friends do!"

Barb arched an eyebrow. It was obvious the two are lying. She could see that looks on theor faces, but she has no time to investigate, "Okay. Look, I'm here to find you because Popsqueak called us for a meeting. There are new unfamiliar trolls came to Pop Village. I don't know who they are, but we're going to discuss that."

"Then let's go!" Aggie exclaimed.

"I thought you guys are 'cleaning'," Barb smirked.

"This won't go anywhere. This is more important," Trollex tried to make an excuse, slightly kicking a small shrimp with his tailfin.

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