Real Harmony

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So, like I said, to make things up from my lost time, I have to publish the remaining chapter right away.


The next day, the Harmony Notes were rehearsing for the finals, and this should be their one shot to save their tribe from the Siren Trolls and break their spell.

"Check, one, two. Testing, testing..." Barb tested the microphone to check if it works. Aggie turned the volume up that connected that mic.

"Testing...!" Barb tested the mic one more time, but her voice through the speakers became louder.

The Harmony Notes covered their ears when the heard the microphone feedback. Aggie turned the volume down before their ears might explode.

"This does not make any sense. Does not anybody else think it is strange that we are the ones that made it to the finals?" Trollzart said suspiciously.

"Very strange, indeed," Serina answered as the Siren Trolls appears from the bushes with smirks on their faces.

The Harmony Notes and Aggie were dissatisfied to see them.

"What are you doing here? Don't you girls have to rehearse for the finals?" Barb growled.

"Oh, we don't need rehearse when we are already amazing," Kiri fiddled her fingers playfully.

"We won't let you to this to anyone!" Poppy shouted.

"We're not going to let you take our tribe for your power!" Trollex snarled.

But Serina laughed in respond, "Oh, please, Your Majesties, we never wanted your tribe. We actually want something more."

"What do you mean?" Branch asked.

"Oh, we'll never tell," Kiri replied, "In fact, when we get what we want, we're on the top, and you're..." Suddenly, a trap door opened below the Harmony Notes and Aggie as they fell down into it, "On the bottom."

The Harmony Notes and Aggie groaned in pain from the fall as they are able to look up at the opening trap door to see the Siren Trolls smiling evilly at them.

"I like your little toy!" Vivace showed a blue remote in her hand.

"Gary!" Branch cried for his favorite remote.

"Oh, it has a name. Well, I should keep it for a while. You can have it when we're done," Vivace giggled.

"See you never!" Serina waved as Vivace pushed a button to close the trap door. Serina then chuckled, "Told you we would give them a shove."

"We didn't shove them. I pushed the button, and the trap door open." Vivace corrected.

"Go back to sleep, Vivace," Kiri groaned.


Later at night, the trolls gathered at the center of Pop Village to watch the Battle of the Bands finals. The Siren Trolls were at the backstage, waiting for something they need for their number.

Meanwhile, the Harmony Notes and Aggie were still trapped in the underground trap, trying to think of a way out. Delta dawn tried to kick the trap door open with her hind legs, but it was no use.

"Give it up, Delta. You've been trying at this for hours. It's not gonna open," Barb replied as Delta made a scowl look on the door.

But Poppy then replied sadly, "Maybe it doesn't even matter that we're trapped down here. I don't think our music would have worked anyway.

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