Chapter 19: Escape

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Soundwave's Quarters, the Nemesis.

(Cecilia's POV)

I ran to the familiar door and slammed my hand on the scanner that Knockout installed for me to grant me access to Soundwave's room. The human-sized door slid open and I rushed in immediately.

"Fraggit." I hissed as I looked around the room.

It was messy, Soundwave's personal belongings fell onto the floor. Datapads, holopads, figurines, Ravage's huge yarn ball I asked Soundwave to buy, stylus', the twins' game console, my bed. But I can't find Ratbat anywhere. I climbed up onto Soundwave's berth, Ratbat likes to take naps here so he would probably be around this place.

"Ratbat!" I shouted.

Miko stopped behind me and looked around. Is she actually helping me?

"No worries CC! I'll help." She said with a smile.

I smiled back at her gratefully and the both of us ran around in the room, looking underneath the berth, desk, fallen datapads, debris.

After a few minutes, the ship began to shake once more, a bit more violently this time.

We held onto each other for support.

"We need to find Ratbat. Fast." I gasped when the gradually shaking stopped.

"Gotcha CC. I'll look over there and you'll-"

A loud alarming squeak that came from the other side of the room startled us both. We looked at each other wide comically wide eyes and went in that direction.

I cupped my hands around my mouth and shouted, "Ratbat!"

A few shaky squeaks and chirps answered me back.

We dug around a pile of debris and finally found him. He was curled up into a small ball, wings around his trembling body. Once he saw me, he flapped his wings and clung to the front of my shirt tightly.

Big sis, where Sire and bwothers?

"I... I don't know. But we'll find them."

I gently hugged him back and let out a relieved exhale.

Was scared.

"It's okay buddy. I got you."

Who other squishy femme?

I glanced at Miko, who was looking at me and Ratbat with a huge grin on her face. She met my eyes and she winked.

"She's... My friend." I said.

Ratbat wriggled in my hold to perch on my shoulder, wings holding onto the side of my head for balance. He chirped happily.

"Alright," I said. "Now, we have to get off the ship."

Miko nodded and followed me out of the room and into the vent once more.

"Where do we go now?" She asks.

I looked at her with one of my eyebrows raised.

"Didn't you go with the Autobots?" I asked. "That's how you got on the ship."

She chuckled nervously but her step never faltered. "Umm... I didn't tell anyone I went here remember? And I don't even know where everyone is. Even if I do now where they are, I... Don't want to get banned from the base again."

Again? Primus, this girl sure is a troublemaker.

I shook my head. I guess she has to follow me out then. When we got out of the vent, we arrived in the Command Centre. I winced at all the damage I see. Wires, sparks, and... Energon? Sure looks like the battle had been here.

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