47. Perfectly Imperfect

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Nature made a mistake, which I have corrected.

~Christine Jorgensen


Calvin stopped the car in front of Marcus' house. He had already dropped off Luis and Michelle, and Jeff would be the only one remaining after Marcus alighted. However, he was surprised to see Jeff get out of the car with Marcus.

"You live together?" he asked, confused.

"No," Jeff replied hurriedly. "I'm just in his house for a sleepover."

Calvin nodded at him, not giving the matter much thought.

"Alright then. Have a splendid night," he waved them goodbye.

"You too," the boys answered as they closed the doors. Calvin then restarted the car and drove off, with Marcus and Jeff proceeding to the house.

The boys entered the house with the intention of rushing to their room and discussing what had happened at the ranch, but they stopped abruptly at the door when they saw their guests.

It was Jeff's mother, Mary, and his sister, Winnie. They were sitting at the couch, in conversation with Jane. Their heads went to the door upon the boys' arrival. Mary looked as if she had been crying, and Winnie's face was just there, as confused as always.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" Jeff began, apprehensive about whatever that was about to happen. Marcus' mother stood up and called at her son to follow her. Marcus then nodded at his best friend and left with his mother, leaving the Andersons alone in the living room.

"My son," Mary broke the uneasy silence, standing up and facing her son, tears in her eyes.

"If you've come to kick me out of here too then I'm sorry, but you don't have any authority here," Jeff looked away.

As much as he tried to keep his face straight, it really hurt him to see his mother as miserable as she was at the moment. For years Jeff had managed to maintain that mask; that mask that had assured his parents that everything was fine with their son; that mask that covered a face full of misery and agony. However, that mask had slowly started to peel off when he came out to his parents, revealing his true nature.

"Jefferson," his mother went on, unrelenting. "I cannot begin to say how much my heart has been empty since you left the house. Your poor mother has suffered greatly."

"So what am I supposed to do? Pray that you have another son to fill your heart once more?' he asked, his tone disrespectful, though intentionally. He had to show them that he was doing better, that he could move on without them, although his heart was just as empty.

"No, my son," Mary answered, letting the tears flow freely. "I don't want another son. I still have you."

"Well, you lost me the day you kicked me out of your house; out of your lives," Jeff answered, his eyes turning red and watery.

"I still haven't lost you, my son. Come back home with us," his mother said.

"No, I can't. We all know dad won't allow me back there," Jeff responded.

"Dad's left us," Winnie, Jeff's sister, spoke. Jeff's face was one in shock as his eyes turned back to his mother, asking her to confirm that statement.

"Yes, he did," Mary admitted. "I gave him a choice: you or his service to God. He didn't even think twice. He just packed and left to God knows where."

"Seems like he certainly knows where his priorities are," Jeff commented, his heart broken as the realisation dawned on him that his father would choose religion over his family.

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