Blind trust: Rory's new friends

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"Oh, you are Rory Gilmore's parents?"

Lorelai and her beautiful daughter's father Christopher were beaming with pride as words to that effect were said to them over and over again by parents and students. It was parents' weekend at the prestigious Yale University and they were delighted to discover that their adorable daughter was famous there.

Of course, they insantly took the recognition as a compliment to their daughter's masterful college newspaper editing abilities and her general high intelligence, wit, charm and all-round beauty. Because of course, everyone loved Rory, or as far as they knew. 

As they drove home chuffed with their daughter's apparently excellent social status, little did they know the real reason their daughter was famous at college.

Over the preceding few weeks, compromising videos of her being bullied into submission (so to speak) by two of Yale's most popular students, Lucy and Olivia, had been all over Myspace and Youtube.

Happily for Lorelai and Christopher, they never even used the internet, making them both blissfully unaware of the general excitement that images and video of their tied-up daughter being tormented by this cruel duo had caused.

Evil-minded Lucy and Olivia had first befriended Rory before playing a series of cruel, embarrassing and plain nasty tricks on her in her own home. 

Rewind a few weeks to a Friday night when Rory was sad and all alone in her doting boyfriend Logan's empty apartment, wondering what to do with herself. 

Logan was away working in London, so she rang up these two girls from Yale, Lucy and Olivia, both of whom she had only met once at an art exhibition that she was reporting on for her beloved Yale Daily News. 

She didn't really know them, but she was prepared to put all her trust in them. After all, they seemed really nice. 

And although she still looked like a 16-year-old, Rory was 21 now and should perhaps be a bit less naive about people. But, without her mommy Lorelai around to keep her safe, Rory was vulnerable.

Rory assumed that these two girls she had only met once before were already just like her besties! 

Rory assumed that these two girls she had only met once before were already just like her besties! 

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Olivia (right of picture) was a petite Asian girl and actually shorter than Rory. But she certainly wasn't weak and could look after herself more than just fine. And at 5'11, Lucy (left of picture) towered over Rory. With a solid athletic body, Lucy literally had more strength in her little finger than Rory Gilmore had in her whole, entirely muscle-free body. 

From the first time she'd met Rory, Lucy had quickly found that she immensely enjoyed teasing the small girl about things that made her insecure - like her height and her lack of ability for playing sport

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From the first time she'd met Rory, Lucy had quickly found that she immensely enjoyed teasing the small girl about things that made her insecure - like her height and her lack of ability for playing sport. 

What pleased her the most was how Rory was too timid to even attempt to tease her back. This was something Olivia had also noted; it amused and even excited her when she thought about it.

She'd only met Rory once and had one night out with her, but whenever she thought of seeing her and teasing her again, she got a tingling feeling than ran all through her body. 

Since that first night they had spent hanging out with 'little Rory', as they called her, Lucy and Olivia - who lived together - had plenty of time to discuss their new, weak friend. 

When they had all been saying goodbye to each other after that first night out together, a laughing Lucy had put Rory in a headlock for just a couple of seconds. Even though Rory found that a bit strange, she quickly dismissed it as a bit of playing around. 

"Aw so sweet", Lucy had said to Rory patronisingly as she released her from the headlock and hugged her goodnight. 

Olivia enjoyed that spectacle, but she felt it was far too brief and she wanted to see more. 

Lucy got that tingling feeling all over when Rory called her up on that Friday night when she found herself at a loose end.

Lucy and Olivia had been talking about her a lot lately, and they agreed that they wanted to be meaner to Rory when they saw her the next time. They were pretty confident that whatever they did to her, Rory would want to be their friend anyway. When it came to friends, they knew she was lonely and needy. 

Lucy, in particular, was actually keen to bully Rory in quite a nasty way. 


Just because she could. And because she liked to feel powerful. 

Lucy was drawn to the weak like a moth to a flame. At the same time, she quite liked Rory and enjoyed her company. It helped Rory had picture-perfect good looks. 

Such a cutie, Lucy thought to herself. Since high school she had always found it the most fun to bully these nice, polite ones. 

Unlike Lucy and Olivia who had both got into Yale on a scholarship having survived very tough upbringings in poor downtown areas, Rory was from a rich background. 

In fact, Rory oozed privilege. Little did she know that both of her new friends found the idea of bringing some misery to a rich girl really irresistible. 

Olivia was along for the ride and happy to do anything that her stronger friend Lucy suggested. But the more Lucy discussed it with her, the more thrilling she also found the whole idea. They agreed they would keep it mostly 'playful' - well, sort of. Playful mixed with nasty and mean. 

Still, they knew they would have to be quite clever about how they went about it. After all, they'd like to keep Rory as their friend. 

"Hey, what's up friend?" Rory asked enthusiastically when Lucy answered her mobile at her student flat. 

"Ohh Rory, hi!", Lucy replied enthusiastically, saying it loudly so that Olivia would rush over. They put Rory on speakerphone.

The two girls couldn't believe their luck when Rory quickly invited them both to her home in Star's Hollow. With her mum Lorelai away on a trip to Paris with Christopher, they'd have the place to themselves.

It was time for Lucy to put some of her evil plans and ideas for Rory into action...

Bullying the rich kid: Rory Gilmore's college humiliationWhere stories live. Discover now