Punishment time

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Lucy frogmarched the victim into her own bedroom while Olivia followed.

Olivia whipped the socks off Rory's feet that she'd only just put back on, stuffed them in her mouth and used a roll of tape from Rory's desk next to her bed to tape her mouth over. 

"Now you skinny bitch, you are going to be punished for telling your two best friends to leave so rudely," Lucy taunted.

Olivia, filming the spectacle with her phone, chimed in: "Absolutely Luce. That was rude as fuck."

They wanted to blindfold Rory again, but instead, Lucy whipped Rory's t-shirt right up over her head and just left it like that, completely covering her head. It served just like a blindfold, but even funnier and more embarrassing for the victim.

Along with the gag, Rory was now unable to see or speak. From the neck down, she was stripped of all clothing except her underwear.

Holding Rory's arms behind her back, Lucy instructed Olivia to raid Rory's wardrobe for "anything they could use to tie her up". 

Then, with various dressing gown cords and long school socks at her disposal, Lucy got to work on tying Rory spreadeagle to her own single bed.

She used a couple of long socks to tie each of Rory's small wrists tightly to the headboard right up above her head. 

Then she used a couple of dressing gown cords to tie off each of Rory's ankles - nearly as small as her wrists - to the board at the foot of the bed. 

"We've got you now, Gilmore", Lucy announced proudly once she was sure that her victim was securely tied in place, literally unable to move a limb. 

"Yeah how humiliating is this for you Rory?", Olivia giggled as she kept videoing the whole thing.

"Mmmmmmmpppppppphhhhhhhhhhh" was all they could hear from inside the t-shirt still impaled on Rory's face.

Somehow, the fact that the victim couldn't speak or see added an extra level of thrill for them.

"Isn't Rory a boy's name?", Lucy teased, "why do you have a boy's name?"

"It's to go with her boy body," Olivia chipped in, enjoying that amazing sensation of two-against-one bullying that she'd never really experienced since high school. 

Lucy relaxed down into the comfy seat in the corner of Rory's room. She needed a rest after all that activity. Olivia perched on the edge of Rory's bed and gave herself a break from filming for a while, while she charged up her phone.

"You know Rory," Lucy started, "I was a bully in my high school - and I loved it. But then when I started college, I decided to instead be nice to people like you. And even to make friends with you. I was TRYING to be nice!"

Rory: "Mmmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhhhhhhh"

Lucy: "But tonight, you were just too sensitive about everything. And then, you got rude with us!"

Rory: "Mmmmmmmpppppppaaaahhhhhhhh"

Lucy: "Aw Liv, do you think she is trying to say sorry?"

Olivia: "Yeah maybe? But who cares? How fucking dare she be rude to us? Are you gonna tickle-torture her already?"

Examining her captive, Lucy  started by tickling Rory's neck and underarms. She started gently by running her fingers up and down the victim's underarms, but Rory's whole very lean body was already thrashing around the place.

"Mmmmmmmmpppppppahhhhhhhhhhhhh!", Rory exclaimed.

"Actually wait, I should be filming this," said Olivia as she whipped her phone off charge and literally sat on Rory so that she wouldn't be able to thrash around as much.

Bullying the rich kid: Rory Gilmore's college humiliationWhere stories live. Discover now