The remains....

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Arnav woke up and looked towards the poolside. This was his daily routine, he stared at sleeping Khushi for good 5 to 10 minutes before starting his day. In those few minutes he used to forget that she is trying to destroy his di's life and just capture her innocence that his brain rejects but his heart screams to accept. He was disappointed to find the poolside empty. Suddenly his heart started beating faster than normal. He looked around his room and he realized that it eerily silent. If khushi woke up before him her payal her bangles filed the silences of this room but today there was none of that. He looked at the wall clock to confirm that is this his normal wake up time or he slept so late that khushi has left the room. But it was his regular wake up time. His heart started beating faster. He got up from his bed and ran towards poolside. Silence, deafening silence. The ASR who loved silence was getting irritated by this silence, it was scaring him. He ran to the room towards the washroom only to find it unlocked meaning khushi is not there. He was about to shout her name when his eyes fell on a packet addressed to him. He looked at it carefully and dashed towards it. He picked it up only to see Lard Governor written on it, only khushi addressed him like that. After a long time he came across this name, khushi stopped addressing him like that post their marriage.  His heart dropped and he looked at the calendar. Their contract is over his heart screamed. 

His hands began to shake, he looked at the packet once again and sat on the bed with a thud. With shaking hand he opened the packet, that packet contained a lot. There was an envelope. There was her mangalsutra and sindoor dibbi, his mom's kangan and letter. There was the saree that he selected while pretending to be on phone, there were those bangle that he gifted her and never accepted it, there was a notebook which was labeled as Hisab (Accounts) and finally there were her stars that she hung on her bed pre marriage. He opened that notebook to see that khushi has listed each and every penny which was spent on her while her stay in Raizada mansion, and at the end of those hisab was a cheque  for that amount addressed to Arnav Singh Raizada. His eyes misted, he blamed her to be a gold digger his heart mocked. He took a deep breathe to prepare himself to open the envolope. He was scared. And his brain and heart were agreeing on something for the first time, for the first time they were agreeing to be scared. With shaky hands he opened the envolope, to find a letter. 

Dear Arnavji, 

I don't know where to start. I don't know why we did this to ourselves. I wish we thought about us before thinking about others but i think that is not possible. I am not exactly sure why you married me, but I know the gist and that gist is Shyam. I should have revealed about him, but yet again i thought about jiji's happiness and Amma and Buaji's insistence and fear first. They feared this revelation would break jiji's marriage. But still i was going to reveal about him to my Laad governor on the day of her wedding, but i don't know how I lost him that day and unfortunately ASR was standing in front of me and he was blackmailing a contract.  Today while I am leaving you forever, since its all over, your family, you and that unborn child deserves the truth.

I met Shyam in Lucknow when ASR broadcasted my fall in his fashion show on television. I was being harassed by some goons because of that and he saved me and my babuji. I had to move to Delhi because of that. He followed me pretended to be a bachelor and lived as a paying guest in Laxmi Nagar.  He buttered up Buaji with his sweet talk and convinced her that that he was my perfect match. I kept denying buaji for this rishta and his advances, because i loved my rajkumar my lard governor, but when that lard governor disappeared on diwali night, i don't know what happened and i said yes to the engagement. On Satya Narayan pooja i found out that he was anjaliji's husband. I broke my engagement with him on that day. I came back next day to tell Anjaliji but her mangalsutra broke and i saw how much she loved him and considered him god. I could not risk telling her. So i decided to give Shyamji a chance. But he didn't stop. I don't know whether you believe me or not but I know you would dig up and find out.  

Lastly Arnavji I am leaving the mangalsutra and sindoor and your Maa's kangan, give these to someone you fall in love with. I am sure Arnavji you would fall in love with the most beautiful angel on this planet who would make you forget your past and only her love would overpower and guide your decisions. All the jewelry sets and saarees given by your family on various occasions are kept in the almirah. I am leaving my stars for you and believe me your mother is watching you and I am sure with her help you would protect your family from shyam. Please tell the family about my absence, whatever story you want to build around it you can do that I wont blame you ever in my life for that. You can tell them i ran away alone or with other man or cheated you or anything you feel like. My khushi's rasoi is completely with shuklaji now , he would be sending 25% of that profit to amma, babuji and buaji every month. If you want to close it if it is causing an inconvenience please let shuklaji know he would wrap it up from your office within a month. And don't feel bad about it my rasoi is serving around 10 multinationals in Delhi so even if profit from AR designs stops, it would just make a difference of 10% on my monthly profit. 

I am leaving forever, if destiny plans we may meet again and may by then you would be happily married with kids. Don't deny yourself love Arnavji, keep your heart open and believe me you won't regret it. Imagine even I don't regret loving you Arnavji even though my love was never meant to be and was never enough. I would pray for your well being and your happiness.



Arnav was numb, the remains of khushi were scattered all around him and he didn't know what to do with them. How would he ever rebuild khushi's dreams and his love that he lost because of ego with these remains. He was numb, he was lost and he was broken. 

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