A Surprise

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Happy reading beautifuls...

"Kon tujhy yu pyar kryga jesay ma krta hu?❤"

Author's p.o.v

"You called me? Dad?"
Roshanne asked  hesitating while entering in study.

Dad was sitting on sofa while Mahbir was standing with his head hanging low  which made Roshanne more uncomfortable.

" Yes!! Actually I want to discuss something with you."

"What's that?"

"So the thing I wanted Mahbir to marry by my  choice but since he got married with you due to his stupidity and I cant help it that's why I have decided to marry Mahbir again with my choice."

Roshanne felt her world crushing down her feet.

" But dad.."

"Today evening is his engagement with the girl I selected."

Roshanne kept quite and nodded with teary eyes.

" You don't have any choice."
Dad went out.

Roshanne slides down to floor and started crying.

Mahbir stepped towards her but she stopped him in mid way.

" Don't!! Don't come near me!!"

"But what had I done??"
Mahbir whined.

" You could have stopped him. Ots the matter of our whole life."
Roshanne cried loud and ran towards her room.

Mahbir soghed and took his phone out.

"Hello Nabhan!!!"
On 3rd ring Nabhan attended the call .

"Hy bir!!"
Nabhan said dryly.

"What happened to you now?"

"Nothing! You say why you called?"

"I need your help Mann!!"
Mahbir whined.

"About what?"


With this Mahbir started explaining everything to Nabhan.

"Alright I am coming over."
Nabhan sighed.


"Hello Aanchal!!"

"Roshanne? What happened? Why are you crying? Is everything ok?"
Aanchal asked worriedly.

"Nothing is fine Aanchii!"
Roshanne sobbed hard.

" Just tell me what happened?"


"I am coming over!!"
Aanchal said after listening whole story.


Roshanne ran towards Aanchal and hugged her as soon as she entered in Roshanne's room.

"Shh!! Don't cry!! I am here roght with you. I won't let any injustice happen to you."
Aanchal soothed her.

They talked for sometime and when Roshanne started feeling calm Aanchal got her engaged in tv and went towards garden where she saw Mahbir last.

" What I am listening?"
Mahbir tirned around on her voice.

Mahbir shrugged.

" You are marrying again??"

" Yes!!"

"Woah!! Well you are quite excited."
Aanchal said looking at the workers who were busy in decorating the garden.

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