25| Without control

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I sat next to Yoongi while smiling at the couple in front of me

"So guys" Yoongi said while chewing "How did you meet?" He put the rest of the food in his mouth

"I met him at a bus station" Lisa giggled

Daniel looked at her and chuckled "She was texting in her phone while walking forward without looking in front of her.."

"Oh my God she bumped into you didn't she" I took the menu in my hands and opened it

"It wasn't my fault! I stumbled!" Lisa crossed her arms

"Yes baby you did" Daniel nodded his head and once Lisa smiled and looked at the menu that she's holding, he looked at me and shook his head negatively while mouthing 'no'

I laughed

"Babe" Yoongi wiped his mouth and leaned in my ear "The food is very expensive here"

"Lisa told me to meet her at this place, I didn't pick the restaurant" I whispered back to him

He sighed "Um baby.."

I turned my head to face him

"I forgot my wallet home.."

My eyes widened "Yoongi I didn't take my wallet either! You told me that you will pay!"

"What will we do now?" He rubbed his nape

"We can't order and don't pay later! We have to leave"

"Y/n?" Lisa called my name and titled her head "What's wrong?"

Great, what do I tell her now "Um.."

"We can't decide what to order" Yoongi said and laughed awkwardly

I leaned in his ear and whispered "Call Taehyung and tell him to bring your wallet"

"Why don't you text Jimin?" He took my phone and placed it in front of me on the table

"Fine" I turned on my phone and tried to find Jimin's contact

"Hello! May I take your order?" The waiter stood next to our table with a small notebook in his hand

Daniel nodded "I'd like to have a steak and..?" He looked at Lisa

"Um pasta" She added "Guys?"

Yoongi looked at me "I will take a salad"

"Oh come on Y/n, we aren't on a diet today" Lisa rolled her eyes "She will take the spicy noodles"

"I'll get a salad" Yoongi said

"And Yoongi will get sausages with fries. Thank you!" Lisa smiled and gave the menu to the man who was writing down our orders

"But I wanted a salad!" Yoongi said

"Oh I can tell him to bring a salad too" She went to call him back but Yoongi stopped her immediately

"That's okay I changed my mind" He looked at me and then my phone "Call him now"

I got up from the chair "If you excuse me, I'll use the restroom" I smiled at Daniel who was looking at me strangely just like Lisa

I gave a quick glance at Yoongi and walked away while calling Jimin

Several minutes passed but Jimin didn't pick up the call. I texted him as well but he didn't saw the message immediately as he's used to

I took a deep breath and called Taehyung instead. I hope he picks up-

"Hey doll!" He raised the tone of his voice due to the noise that is filling the place he's in

"Hi Tae, how are you?" I got in the bathroom and closed the door behind me

My stepbrother wants me 2 || 𝓶𝔂𝓰 𝔁 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now