Ch. 37 "Dead"

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                                                    Sammie POV

I slowly sat up in the hospital bed, 

"What is it?" I asked seeing the concern on both of their faces 

"Well Little Minnow there is no easy way to say this but..." Kat said 

But daddy interrupted her, 

"Your mother is dead," Daddy said sitting close to me, 

My eyes got wide,

"How?" I asked 

I knew she was a witch, and i knew she wasn't that old in age, 

They looked at each other, they looked worried, I don't like the pause, 

"An accident," Kat said 

I arched my brow, Daddy looked at her in surprise, 

                                         Katherine POV

I looked down at my little Minnow, and I know right now is not the right time to tell her exactly what happened, 

She just woke up from a coma, she is still healing, I don't want to cause her anymore stress so I made the call to lie to her, 

Just for now until she's better and ready, 

I feel like she's not ready for this, she's still young she doesn't understand the love of a child, 

Even though she's not mine by blood, I feel as if she is my child, I want to protect her from anything that comes along, 

And I know Damon feels the same way 100% 

Damon looked at me a bit surprised that I said that but it had to be done just until she's old enough to understand or at least she's better, 

                                                      Sammie POV

"I'm gonna leave you two talk," Kat said smiling 

She kissed my forehead, 

"I'm glad you are alright my little Minnow," Kat said 

I smiled at her, and she smiled back and left the room, 

"How are you feeling?" Daddy asked me, 

"I'm okay" I said trying to be brave, 

There was one thing that was bugging me, why wasn't he here when I woke up, 

Ever since he found out that I'm his daughter he's been there always no matter what, even before he found out I was his daughter, I thought 

"I can tell something is bothering you, what is it?" Daddy asked 

"It's nothing," I mumbled 

"What is it little Dove?" Daddy asked gently 

I looked at him, looking into his icy blue eyes that look just like mine, 

"Where were you?" I said worried 

He arched his brow, 

"I woke up, I was afraid you left me, I thought you were never coming back," I mumbled looking down at my cut up hands, 

"Sammie look at me," Daddy said 

I slowly looked up at him, 

"As long as I'm still living, I will never leave you, I will always come back to you no matter what," Daddy said 

"You promise," I said 

"I promise," Daddy said smiling at me, 

I hugged him causing the machines to beep like crazy, 

Daddy looked around bitting his wrist putting it in front of my face and nodding, 

I took his wrist and started drinking and I felt all the pain of breaks and fractures go away, 

I look down and see all the cut gone, 

"Come on my dove lets go home," Daddy said 

I nodded 

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