Chalter 3: Plan number one

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After Sonia and Souda discuss the plan, they were both ready for that night, the night where it all fell together.

At around 6:30 pm, Sonia texts Gundham. 'Hello Gundham!' She waits a few seconds, and then a reply! 'Hello Sonia, why might I ask are you messaging me at this time?' Sonia starts to giggle. 'Oh nothing, just wanted to speak with you. Would you like to walk down along beach? It is very nice and breezy today!' While all of this is happening, Kazuichi was setting up a ditch along the beach. The plan was named "Damsel in Destress" well thats what Kazuichi called it. He set up a ditch, covered it with leaves and sand to cover it up.

'I would be glad to, where would you suggest we meet up?' And then, they met up. As they walked along the beach, Kazuichi hides behind a rock, waiting for them to get closer. "Gundham it's very nice to see you!" She hugs him tightly, doing what Kazuichi has told her to do, she felt a bit uncomfortable, but she liked the feeling of her arms wrapped around him. "Nice to see you too Son-" He turns slightly red as her arms wrap around him. He doesn't know what to do so he slowly pats her head. He's never seen this side of Sonia, but he's fascinated. As they walk along the beach Sonia gets a text from Kazuichi. 'Pretend that your cold!!!' Sonia shivers and looks up at Gundham. "Oh my, it is very.. cold out." She rubs her hands over her shoulders watching as Gundham doesn't take the hint. "Hm..? Oh! Yes it is very cold.." Gundham says completely clueless. Kazuichi face palms, trying to think of something else. "Here Sonia take my Jacket and Scarf. The Dark Decas are very fond of you, they will keep you warm." Sonia grins as she sees him without his scarf and coat. Kazuichi smirks as he checks off a box on his list. But then.. "Oh.. Shit!! The Hamsters! He's gonna fucking kill me!" Kazuichi panics and tries texting Sonia, no reception. Sonia sees the ditch above and walks right for it, Kazuichi biting his nails behind the rock seeing her go for it. "Miss Sonia!! Wait!!" Sonia 'trips' into the ditch, Gundham rushes in to help her and then seeing Kazuichi with a pale look on his face. "Kazuichi!? What are you doing here you fiend?!" Sonias body crushed Maga-z and San-d's tiny bodies, the other two were fine. Gundham pulls Sonias body out of the ditch that was filled with, sticks, dirt, sand, shells, and leaves. She had scratches all over her body, her legs wobble as Gundham tries to hold her steady. "I'm going to beat your ass Souda! You foolish mortal!" Kazuichi runs as fast as he could back to his cottage. "I'm so sorry Miss Sonia!" Gundham runs after him. Sonia picks up the poor bodies of Maga-z and San-d, luckily only some broken bones, but still bad enough. She sits down on the sand holding them in her hand. She starts to cry. "I am so sorry.. I did not wish to hurt you." The Dark Devas did not bite nor hiss, they stayed in her cold palms. After a few minutes passed Gundham comes running back to find her sleeping on top of a rock covered in his jacket holding the Devas. He takes back his scarf and puts the Devas inside. he then picks up Sonia and carries her to her cottage, laying her on the bed. Was this really a failed attempt? Maybe.

The next morning, Sonia wakes up to over 50 missed calls from Kazuichi. She rubs her eyes and gets up, she brushes her long lushous hair, braiding it and pinning it with a bow. She fluffs up her dress as usual and pulls up her socks. She starts making tea for herself as she gets another call. She picks up the phone to Kazuichi apologizing over and over and over. "Okay Plan B!" Kazuichi goes on to explain Plan B, Sonia rolls her eyes as she sips her tea. "Souda is this truly necessary?" Sonia questions. "Of course it is! I made you a promise Miss Sonia!" Sonia thinks to herself, she does not want to hurt Soudas feelings, but she fears of making a fool of herself again. "Souda, may I please.. do this on my own..?"  The phone goes silent for a minute. "Miss Sonia, I promised. I am not giving up just yet! Please let me try again!" Sonia sighs, giving in and agreeing. Plan B will commence that night. That night we hope, nothing goes wrong.

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