Chapter 6: Gundhams Feelings

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After Gundham finished beating up Kazuichi, he publicly embarrassed him by throwing Kazuichis underwear all over campus for everyone to see. When he noticed Sonia come out of her cottage, he had a sudden urge to speak with her. He didn't understand the feeling that was being held inside of him, but it made him feel anxious in a way. When he noticed this, he was afraid to speak with Sonia, fearing what he'll say would come off embarrassing. He thought about it to himself, as his eyes locked on Sonia.

Gundham stands there as he stares at Sonia with a red look on his face, when Sonia turned around and waved at Gundham, he forgot to wave back. He stood there completely red, half of his face tucked into his scarf. "Um, Gundham!" Sonia yells out to him, but when he tried to speak no words came of out his mouth, he mumbled. "I-I must be on my way n-now!" Gundham dashed off to the cafeteria where he grabbed himself some tea to keep him relaxed. Kazuichi sits down next to Gundham as he sips his tea in silence. "Sooo Mr. Goth, what's going on with you and the princess." Kazuichi tries to get Gundham on his nerves so he opens up about his "feelings." Gundham reacts like he was just insulted, "Like I said before, me and the Dark Queens relationship is none of your concern." Gundham scoffs and feeds one of the hamsters a cracker. "Oh come onnn! Are you sure you don't have feelings for her? It's kinda obvious." Gundham bangs his fist on the table. "Would you stop it you mortal! The only feelings I have for Sonia, are the ones beating in me chest right now!" Kazuichi lifts his right eyebrow. "Dude you know what that means right?" Gundham lifts his head. "What are you talking about, fiend." Kazuichi flicks Gundham on the head, and then folds his hands together. "Gundham, when you're around Sonia, do you tend to get, dizzy, sweaty, nauseous, or any feeling that doesn't feel a familiar?" Gundham nods his head in concern. "So Gundham what i'm trying to say here is that, when that happens that means that you've started to create, feelings." Gundham shakes his head, "And what feelings are you talking about, there are many." Kazuichi sighs and puts his hand on Gundhams shoulder. "It's love man." Gundham gasps and shakes his head. "N-No! I do not like Miss Sonia i-in thst way!!" Gundham tries defending himself. "Say what you want, but that's the truth." Gundham takes his tea and stomps away with anger and confusion. Halfway down the steps he slows down and thinks about it. Could it be that Gundham, really fell in love?

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