Chapter 10

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'Showing emotion doesn't make you a weak person'

Aphy stares at herself in the mirror. So much has happened since she has been in this house. She almost forgot what she was here for; what she had to do; who she was. Finishing off with her inner thoughts she walked down the stairs to breakfast. It had been quite recently in the house everyone had been off in their own little worlds.

"Good morning Aphy" Evan greeted enthusiastically.
"Morning" she replied with much less enthusiasm.
Seating in the table she was the last to arrive. Everyone had already began eating.
"Right, I want to do an activity as a group. So once we're finished with breakfast I want you all in the backyard" Evan had instructed.

Walking out the kitchen door she was greeted with sunshine. It was the opposite with how she was feeling today. The truth was she was stuck. Walking up to the group they stood in a circle. Evan handed each of them a water balloon and a felt tip.
"So we are going to write what we want to change about ourselves. What we want to get rid off" Evan explained.
Looks of doubt and boredom has erupted.
So the delinquents began writing down their words.

Aphy was however no way thinking of what Evan had instructed. She was busy thinking about a certain gravestone. She was utterly confused. What had happened? Who was after him?
"Aphy" the voice broke her out of her thoughts.
She urgently began thinking about what she would write. It had seemed everyone was already done but Aphy didn't know what she wanted to change. It would always be ultimately who she was.

"Going down the line now I want each of you to read out what you wrote and throw the balloon on the floor"
"I'll start" Evan continued
"I want to change my past"
Throwing the balloon water had blasted onto the cement ground.
Aphy was curious. Why would he want to change his past.

Next was Andres. He was quite so Aphy haven't yet had the pleasure of getting to know him; so she was patiently waiting for what he has to say.
"the people I hang with"
"Lola your next" Evan gestured towards the girl.
"My parents" she sneered throwing the balloon with force.
"My attitude" this answer baffled Aphy. Willow was always kind and happy it surprised her that she truly hated the way she acted.
"Ok. Kato your next"
Aphy was now all ears she honestly wanted to hear what he had to say.
"my addiction" Aphy knew about Kato's addiction to drugs so the answers was not surprising.
"What I know" as he had said these words he held eye contact with Aphy. Chills ran down her spine. The way Finley spoke it was like he knew something she didn't. And that thought made Aphy stir with anger she hated not knowing when something was up.

Great, she thought it was her turn. She had yet to write something on the balloon. But she just spoke her answer betraying the pen in her hand because no matter how much she hated it she could never get rid of it. Unless she killed herself of course.
"Who I am"

Listen to A thousand years by Christina Perri

It was now evening. Aphy had come back from a trip to the graveyard. Noting had changed. The words engraved still were present within the stone. It was not part of her imagination. It was really there. The grave was a dead end. She needed to ask someone. For once the delinquents may be the key. She sat at her vanity; gliding the lipstick across her lips. She was getting ready. Evan had organised a small Halloween party. She was dressed as an angel. A being who she was the ultimate opposite off. She was neither pure or a godly being. She was more of the devil and that was how she likes it.

 She was more of the devil and that was how she likes it

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