Chapter 12

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WARNING- this episode contains the topic of suicide. Please don't read if it may be triggering. And please seek help.
Just hang in there.
You are going to be OK and everything will work out just as its supposed to.
The world is a better place because of you.
How would the story continue without its main character.
You are amazing. I love you!

"They fell for her beauty but ran from her brain"

"Don't deny your fire my dear, just be who you are and burn" those were the words ringing in her head in the early hours of the morning. She was fire enough to light the way and burn anything attempting to stop her.

Waking up in the arms of the boy she was in love with felt so magical. His arms were strong enough to hold every fear, every beautiful broken piece of her. This boy didn't just make her feel complete. He completed her.

Jumping up from her bed Aphy was determined to avenge her friend's death. This time there will be no more disruptions. She was a girl on a mission. Glancing at the words she carved into her desk.
'Property of hell'

She needed to talk to the one person who was close to Elliot. That being Andres. Aphy paid no attention to it being the early hours of the morning. Walking out of her room she ventured her way to Andres, however to her surprise she bumped into Finley. He wore his usual smirk.

Aphy didn't understand him. She didn't even know if to trust him. He had this glint in his eyes; like he knew something she didn't. And that thought honestly scared her. Of course she would never admit it. Holding her head up high she sneered at him. Attempting to walk past him he shot his hand out stopping the girl. She turned her head towards him letting out a gasp at the close proximity between the two. She stared at him taking him in. Who was he? She saw his eyes linger across her features with a warmth she never seen before.

 Who was he? She saw his eyes linger across her features with a warmth she never seen before

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"What do you want?" She commanded aggressively snapping him out of his daze. He chuckled at the girl's hostility finding it rather adorable.
"You" he deadpanned.
Those words caused Aphy to freeze wide-eyed. Finley bursted our laughing at her bewildered look.
"I'm just joking" he held his hand up surrendering to her. The troublemaker huffed out air dramatically. He always found a way to get on her nerves or wind her up.
"Forgive and forget, yeah?" He questioned. Aphy narrowed her eyes at him;she knew he was taking about the blackmail.
A amused snicker left the girl. Walking closer up to the boy she whispered in his ear.
"Nah fuck you and fuck that"
Bumping her shoulder to his she continued her way to Andre's room.

Finley stood at the same position. His heart was thudding wildly. He laughed warmly thinking about the girl who wouldn't leave his thoughts. She was perfect. She was beautiful.

Aphy knocked on his door. Her legs were bouncing in anticipation. But no response came. She knocked another time. She frowned at the lack of sound. Hesitantly opening the door, she peered into the room. It was a mess. But the smell of drugs was what caused Aphy to narrow her eyes. She saw him laying in his bed no doubt deep in sleep. Walking up to the body she shook his shoulder waking up the boy from his dreamland. Once again no response came. Again she shook him now with greater force but still no response. That was the last straw, she knew something was not right; something was terribly wrong. She turned his body upwards, slapping his face her heart dropped. He wasn't breathing.

Goddess of TroubleNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ