The Boy Who Lived and Vanished

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After Sadie had gotten her balance, the two entered the Hogwarts gates, hand in hand. As they passed by Hagrid's hut, he waved to them from the garden. Sadie waved back enthusiastically. Minerva lead her to Severus's chambers. When they entered his foyer, they found Harry fiddling with his thumbs as he waited for Minerva and Sadie to come back. Severus wasn't present, so Sadie went to go find him. She checked every room, finally finding him in his bedroom, staring sadly at the same picture from the Three Broomsticks.

"Oh, Lily. It's like I don't even matter to her! Even her magical aura chose Minerva over me! I miss you! Every time I look at her, I see you, in her eyes, in her smile. I need your help. Please." Severus spoke to the picture with such love and tenderness. It made Sadie's heart break. Sure, she would always depend on Minerva more, but Severus still meant a lot to her, no matter how little either of them knew it. She crept away quietly.

"Couldn't find him," she lied. Minerva raised an eyebrow. Sadie almost started sweating. She knew lying to Minerva was hopeless, and she hated doing it.

"Are you sure you couldn't find him, Kitten? Did you look in his bedroom?"

Sadie mock gasped. "Mum! That's his private room!"

Minerva smirked. "Never stops you from coming into my room."

Sadie laughed. "You're right. In any matter, I wouldn't advise going to find him right now." The smile faded from her face. Minerva pursed her lips, reading Sadie's face. Sadie looked around, but Harry was gone.

"Where'd Harry go?"

Minerva looked around as well. "Harry?"

"Harry?!" Sadie yelled. She went around to the rooms. "HARRY?!" Severus came out of his room.

"What's all the yelling about?" he asked.

"Harry's missing!" Sadie exclaimed frantically. Severus's eyes went wide.

"Lucius has come back to collect his payment," he muttered. Sadie entered panic mode. Her hair just barely floated off her shoulders.

"HARRY! HARRY, PLEASE COME OUT NOW! THIS ISN'T FUNNY!" She entered the bedroom she and Harry had slept in the night before. She screamed. There was a note on the floor. Signs of a struggle were all over the room. She picked up the note and read it. Minerva and Severus rushed into the room right in time to catch Sadie right before she hit the floor in a dead faint. Minerva cradled Sadie while Severus read the note. His face went paler than normal and he dropped the note.

"What did it say?" Minerva asked.

Severus slowly turned around, white as a ghost.

"'You took my child. Now I take yours.'"

Sorry for the awful cliffhanger, but I just couldn't resist.


Sadie woke up in a bright white room. She groaned and sat up. It was the hospital wing. Minerva was asleep in the chair next to her, leaning on the bed. She had dark circles under her eyes and was whimpering ever so slightly. Sadie gently poked her, and she shot up, clutching her heart.

"What happened, Mum?" Sadie asked.

"You don't remember?"

The memories all came rushing back. "No," she whispered. "No. No! NO! I just got him from the Dursleys and now he's gone again?" She buried her face in her hands.

Severus walked in, half asleep, looking just like Minerva. "Three days and still no sign."

Minerva rubbed her eyes. "Just slept for the first time. Maybe you should take a small nap, Severus."

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