Harry Freaking Potter

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The summer was quite uneventful. No matter how much Nadine tried to reason with Sadie, she refused to forgive Harry. In second year, Fred and George made the team with Charlie still captain. They were beaters. With those two on beaters, they were practically unstoppable, blocking all Bludgers and other players from Sadie. With Angelina and Alicia as the other chasers and two of Sadie's best friends, the Gryffindor team won practically every game they played. Sadie secretly made Cedric an animagi. He was a tabby cat, slightly larger than Sadie's. He was called Gemini because he and Sadie were almost identical. Before they knew it, it was the summer before their third year, when Harry and Ron would be coming to Hogwarts.

In the days leading up to the first day of term, Sadie was practically a walking vegetable. She didn't eat. She didn't sleep. She rarely talked. She entered a state of deep depression at the thought of having to see her brother. Minerva and Severus were getting really worried. Minerva had even asked to borrow the twins and Nadine from the Burrow and Cedric from the Diggory household. Nothing helped. Minerva was sure she didn't even realize they were there. No one could get anything out of Sadie. The only thing that seemed to bring anything from her was when Minerva started crying out of desperation the day before school. Sadie walked into the living room as the sun started to go down to see Minerva sobbing on the couch, clutching a picture of a smiling Sadie.

Sadie realized how much her depressed state had effected her mother, how much Minerva longed to see her daughter smile again. Sadie sat down on the couch, alerting Minerva of her presence. Minerva quickly straightened up, wiping the tears off her face. A single tear rolled down Sadie's face at the sight of Minerva so upset.

"I'm sorry, Mum," Sadie whispered, more tears starting to flood her face. It was the first time she had talked in two days. Minerva pulled her into a tight hug, letting the girl cry into her chest. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you from Harry's insults. I'm sorry I made you upset. I'm sorry."

"Stop it! Sadie, none of this is your fault! Blaming yourself won't fix anything! It's not your fault!" Minerva insisted, stroking the girl's hair, tears streaming down both of their faces. Sadie, however, couldn't help but feel that it was her fault. She should have done more to stop Harry's insults. She should have silenced him with a spell or something. But she didn't.

Slowly, they began to calm down. With Minerva comfortingly stroking her hair, and the warm embrace of the sofa, Sadie slowly began to drift to sleep. It was the first time she had slept in days. Minerva sighed in relief that Sadie was finally sleeping. She rested her head on the top of Sadie's and fell asleep like that.

Black. It was pitch black. Sadie held her hand out to feel the darkness. It felt all wrong, cold and dead. Suddenly, a light came towards her from a distance. The light began to form a shape. It was a ghost.

The ghost was translucent with a blue glow to it. It was a woman with long wavy hair wearing a pretty dress that went to mid calf and had sleeves to the elbows.

"Sadie," the ghost called out. "Sadie, it's me. It's your mother."

Sadie was confused. "What are you talking about? Minerva McGonagall is my mother!"

"No. It's me. I've been watching you. I'm Lily Potter."

Sadie's face grew hard. "Ah, yes. The one who betrayed Dad."

"Sadie, please-"

"The one who said she forgave him and then went and turned her back on him. The one who birthed that idiot they call my brother, the savior." She looked around in the darkness, ignoring the hurt in Lily's eyes. "How do I get out? I want to go back to my mum."

Lily grimaced. "Very well. I'll see you again soon." She began to fade away.

"WHAT?! ARE YOU SAYING I'M GOING TO DIE SOON?" Sadie yelled into the darkness. It was too late, though.

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