Chapter | 17

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it was now early morning and taehyung was up with yeona who as soon as she woke up was wide awake. they both were now on the couch watching paw patrol as yeona was on taehyung's lap.

jungkook woke up and went to go check on his daughter to see if she was awake. once he got to her room he realized she wasn't there, his heart dropped at first but he is hoping that taehyung might be up and have her.

he goes downstairs and walks to the lounge to see taehyung on the couch with yeona on his lap watching tv.

taehyung turned around and noticed jungkook's presence and smiles "good morning, yeona was up early this morning and I didn't want to wake you so I got her, I hope that was okay," taehyung says slightly questioning why he did that.

"no it is okay thank you for doing that," jungkook says walking towards them sitting next to them, taehyung smiled in relief

"how was your sleep?" jungkook asked

"the best sleep I've ever had" taehyung smiled remembering how he felt last night.

Last night

when taehyung went to his now new room and looked around smiling widely for the first time he felt like he had a purpose, he felt safe. he pulled the warm covers back and hopped into bed pulling the covers over him.

taehyung sighed feeling warm and his head feeling like he is on a million clouds.

with that thought, he drifted off to sleep

taehyung smiled at the memory of how well he slept last night.

"oh I also wanted to tell you that on the day I looked after yeona at work that I had finished the report that was due yesterday," taehyung says as jungkook nods

"I don't want you going into work for the rest of the week, I also talked to your principal and he will be recording classes for you so you can still catch up," jungkook says as he brushes the hair out of taehyung's face.

taehyung freezes thinking, gaining thought of why he was in this place, to begin with. he owed someone money. how was he meant to get money if he didn't work? maybe he will just not turn up, the only worrying thing is he knows the guy is super tall so he cant be hard to miss.

"your hair looks great by the way so fluffy" jungkook comments touching it softly

"fwuffy" yeona says turning her attention to taehyung's hair

they both chuckle at her cuteness

"can I work from here?" taehyung asks as jungkook nods "for today you will be resting, but tomorrow I will be taking you shopping as we will be getting you your own things," jungkook says smiling.

"no jungkook that will be expensiv-" taehyung states but get cut off.

"taehyung, im a CEO of the biggest company in this country, I'm rich and I would spend all the money I have just to make sure you're happy and safe" jungkook says as they look at each other.

jungkook creases his cheek lovingly as taehyung closes his eyes feeling the warmth.

"dada" yeona says as they both slightly pull away from each other blushing.

"pwa pwatrol" she says cutely as they both chuckle

"I have to head into work, are you okay to watch her?" jungkook asks receiving a smile and nod.

"bye pumpkin, see ya tae" jungkook says quickly rushing out grabbing his bag and keys, and heading out the door.

jungkook left and it was now just taehyung and yeona.

"what do you wanna do now sweetie" taehyung asks a giggling yeona.

Jungkook at work

Jungkook was now in a meeting with his friends and 15 co-workers.

"We have my small brands in this company but we will need to add something to this company we have modelling and police and office work, nursing, and a few others but we need a front to this company" a co-worker explains standing up talking to everyone.

"does anyone have any suggestions?" jungkook says sternly as people raise their hands

"I think we could use the police officer as a front for this company," someone says but gets interrupted by bogum.

"we need something new? and also mr. jeon when we think of whatever this new thing will be don't we have to figure out who will run that department" bogum asks

"we will be making changes to this building over the summer break which will be coming up so the departments will have their own buildings on this land," jungkook says as he asks if anyone has any questions.

"will you still own every business though?" someone asks.

"yes, I will still own all company's as I am the ceo. but whoever is the boss of their company for example min yoongi and namjoon who are in charge of the police force they will become CEO's of their building but I will still be the boss so everything you run through them gets passed onto me" jungkook explains

"whoever can think of another company building will become a new boss for that area and obviously will gain a pay rise," jungkook says as he dismisses everyone after saying.

"we will come back for a meeting in two weeks, I will send out an email to everyone of what will be required of this presentation"

the only people that were left in the room were jin, bogum, namjoon, hoseok, yoongi and jimin.

"do you guys feel like applying for the new company building?" jungkook asked his close friends

"being honest kook, yoongi and I are happy with police work" namjoon says receiving an agreeing nod from yoongi

"I and hoseok love our jobs as is and we receive good pay so we don't need it," jimin says, hoseok agreeing

"personally I love my photography job for modelling I see myself as one of the bosses for the model side of the company," bogum says as he receives laughs

"that is because you are a co-boss with jin" jungkook says

"we are all happy where we are kook, we will see what the co-workers come up with," jin says as jungkook nods smiling.

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