Chapter | 40

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jungkook and taehyung were now on their way home. taehyung had his first day of being CEO and he loved it, but he is super tired. once jungkook and taehyung were home they both walked in and saw the girls playing with their toys with jungkook's mum sitting on the couch.

taehyung sat with jungkook's mum while jungkook went to freshen up.

"how was your first-day dear?" juni asks

"it was good, i'm super tired but it was only my first day so," taehyung says chuckling a little bit.

"that is great I am so happy for you dear," juni says smiling

"thank you" taehyung says smiling at juni

"how were the girls?" taehyung asked

"they were good they were extremely tired though, when i picked euni up from school she nearly fell asleep on the drive home," juni said smiling

"so they should be easy to get to sleep" taehyung nods

"I have to get going but tell jungkook I said bye," juni says hugging taehyung rushing off

taehyung giggles as he watches juni rush off fast.

jungkook comes down towel around his neck. "did mum go?" jungkook asks as taehyung nods.

"she told me to tell you that she said bye," taehyung tells jungkook who smiles and nods.

"the girls are so focused in their movie that they don't even realise that we are here" taehyung chuckles as jungkook looks at the girls.

"want to go watch a movie," jungkook asks taehyung standing in front of the male who is sitting down on the couch.

"mwovie" they hear yeona say turning around looking at them.

taehyung giggles as jungkook roll's his eyes. "we could put them in one cinema and we could use the other" jungkook says as the girls get excited at the idea as euni gets up carrying yeona downstairs.

jungkook and taehyung follow closely behind and walk to one cinema's getting the girls are settled as jungkook sets up frozen. once they did that the girls told them to go.

"damn they're sassy," jungkook says

taehyung chuckles "wonder who they get that from," taehyung says making eyes at jungkook who widens his eyes.

jungkook chases taehyung down the hallway and into a cinema

"I'm sorry" taehyung says while laughing, jungkook wraps his arms around taehyung's waist lifting him up putting him on the bed.

"let us play a random movie," jungkook says as he looking at taehyung who was now laying on the bed couch of the cinema resting his head on the pillow. jungkook pressed play and laid down next to him pulling him close.

as the movie starts taehyung was staring at jungkook wondering how he got so lucky.

jungkook felt the stare and decided to look down, smiling he asked "whatcha thinking about".

jungkook brushed a piece of taehyung's hair behind his hair caressing his cheek lovingly.

"you, and thinking about how lucky I am to have you and the girls in my life" taehyung whispers. jungkook didn't expect taehyung to say this but his heart burst in butterflies.

jungkook eyed taehyung's lips before connecting them, both closing their eyes. it was a slow passionate kiss between them both. taehyung pulled away "I'm so in love with you gguk" taehyung whispers

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