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sorry for not updating earlier, college is stressing the fuck out of me
anyways enjoy and get ur tissues ready cuz this book aint having a happy ending


It felt as if the world had stopped spinning for the blink of an eye, as Jungkook opened the door and stared right into the one person's eye he never thought to see again. Taehyung's facial expressions dropped, along with the keys he was holding. "Taehyung?", Jungkook's voice was high-pitched, panic swinging along as he spoke Taehyung's name. The way it still gave him shivers to say out loud this name reminded him of why he never mentioned him in the past ten years.
"What are you doing here?", he added quietly, looking utterly confused. He couldn't put two and two together, so he just kept staring at the older as if he had just seen a ghost.

Taehyung was silenced, nothing but his hitched breath was coming from the guy.

The silence got broken by a pretty girl that pushed herself in between the two, looking up at her father. "Hi Dad", she said shyly and that's when Jungkook's heart dropped once more.

He moved on. Without him.

"You have a child?", he whispered, Taehyung was still quiet, trying to process all this.

"Taehyungie?!", Taejeon said, pushing his father aside as he stood in front of Taehyung now, staring at him out of big, glittering eyes. That nickname. It made Taehyung's heart ache in pain. The first thing he actually did was stepping forward, wrapping his arms around Taejeon to hug him as tightly as humanly possible. "Taejeonie", he let out, pressing his face in the teenager's hair, giving him a little kiss to his head, "Fuck I missed you."

Lili and Jungkook simply stood there, exchanged a look and neither understood what was going on.

After Taehyung stepped back and let go of Taejeon, he looked him up and down, mouth dropped open, "When did you grow so tall?"
"Last ten years", Taejeon grinned, "I'm quite a snack, admit it."

"Like father, like son", Taehyung smirked, still staring at the grown boy. "You still look the same, why isn't your hair grey yet?"

"I'm only thirty-", Taehyung said a little offended, "I'm far away from grey hair."

"So my Dad knows my boyfriend", Lili commented, feeling irritated.

"I think your boyfriend is the reason your father got you", Jungkook said, scratching his neck, "Taejeon was the first kid he ever truly loved."

"So-", Lili gulped, "You and my Dad-"

Lyza stepped in from behind, shaking her head, "God, what are the odds that you are the father of our son's girlfriend", she sighed heavily, "This must be fate."

"Shut up", Jungkook whined, "This isn't fate, this is a bad, bad coincidence", he bit his lips, turning away from everything that was going on right in front of them. Lyza patted his shoulder softly, letting out a sigh, "I don't believe in coincidences anymore."
Jungkook looked at her in surprise, "Shouldn't you be freaking out right now? This is the guy that kept your child from you."

The girl shrugged, looking at Taejeon who was still caught up in a conversation with Taehyung. Both their eyes were sparkling in happiness as they shared a shortcut of what happened in the last ten years. "But am I the one who lost everything they ever loved?", she asked quietly, eyeing Taehyung for a while. "He never had anyone", she hummed.

"He's got me now", Lili hummed, "Dad's okay, don't worry."

Lyza and Jungkook, both nodded. Yet they both knew another version of the young man standing in front of them. And the one they were seeing was not the one they saw glowing in happiness in his early twenties after he had met Jungkook and Taejeon. The boy who stood there was a much more mature version of the young, wild boy he used to be. "You should talk to him", Lyza said, "I guess we will have to deal with him now anyway", she added, glancing at Lili. The teenage girl and their son would probably make it necessary to talk to Taehyung in the future.
"How are you so calm about this?", Jungkook asked Lyza once again, "How?"

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