Chapter 4: Mission Kitsune

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Chapter 3: Tora Mission Scene 01 (There's a few easter eggs hidden in the panel, comment if you find it!)

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Chapter 3: Tora Mission Scene 01 (There's a few easter eggs hidden in the panel, comment if you find it!)

Chapter 4: Mission Kitsune.

A month had passed after Team Seven had passed that faithful mission. During that time, Team Seven worked hard. From a plethora of exercises that ranged from easy to downright sadistic, to D-ranked missions that almost removed them of their sanity, Kakashi worked them off their bones until he somehow felt it was satisfactory (and enjoyable) to his standards, however high or low it may be.

"Maaa, are you guys alright?" Kakashi teased as he laid back on the trunk of a tree as he looked at his three students.

They were on a green field, on the appropriately named Training Ground 7, the one they had used to do the bell test. The sun was still high up on the sky, the heat almost becoming unbearable.

"You...think?!" Sasuke said as he let out a cough. He was leaning on the tree that Kakashi was sitting on, while Naruto was hunched over, erratically breathing in and out. Sakura, on the other hand, was so exhausted that she had lied on the ground, her face moist from the sweat.

They had just finished one of the training exercises that they've always done, specially crafted by one of the most fitness-addicted man that Kakashi knew. He looked at them with a hidden grin, carefully keeping it contained so there would be no noticeable creases on his mask.

"Complaining won't get you anywhere, you know? Did you finish the exercise?"

"You meant haa... the STUPID torture session, right? Why the hell do we...haaa...haa...have to run around...haa... the WHOLE village anyways?!" Naruto shouted exasperatedly, with the frequent out of breath exhalation as he glared at Kakashi.

"To increase your stamina, of course. I often see Sasuke jog around before he goes here. This is the same thing." Kakashi shrugged

"But I don't run around the whole village, do I?!" Sasuke sarcastically replied to Kakashi with a sneer.

"Kakashi...haaa...sensei. Please...haaa...let" Sakura exhausted plead, laying down on the grass face down.

Kakashi sighed as he shook his head "Fine, fine, don't worry. This is gonna be the final exercise anyways."

"Huh?" The three of them said at the same time, surprised. And they had reasons to be. It was just the afternoon, the sweet point between evening and the morning. Usually Kakashi would give out more exercises that ranged from Chakra exercises to mock battles that led them dead tired.

Kakashi stood up, dusting off the dirt on his clothes.

"Meet me here tomorrow, same time as always." He said with a yawn as he put his hands in his pockets.

"Why?" Sasuke asked, his voice laced with doubt.

"Let's just say that you've barely qualified for a C-class mission...Anyways, see you!" Kakashi said with a wave before he disappeared in a flurry of leaves.

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