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Chapter 3: Shuichi!

Kokichi's POV
It had been a whole three days and not one of the three had woken up yet! I'm not a patient person! How was I supposed to wait for an unknown amount of time for the guy I like to wake up when he doesn't even know I like him and I have no guarantee of getting any amount of attention from him at all! Shuichi is one of the few people in my life that I genuinely feel bad for being rude to. I want to apologize to him so badly.

Three days became five days and five days became a week. It was hard to wait this long, I had almost nothing to do. I never played on my phone in fear of getting other messages and I guess you could say I talked to Kirumi and Gonta but honestly not really. I spent most of my time in bed, there's nothing to do here. Byakuya came into my room out of nowhere one day however.

"Hey kid," he said a little rudely, "what's up with you?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean you were so energetic in the game, now you feel like a whole other person."
"I guess this is just what I was normally like before going into the killing game." I shrugged.
"Well I did come here for a reason... in a couple of days everyone will be released to go back to what life was like before the game and-"
"I wanna live on the streets!" I cut him off
"Ah- anyways... we called your parents."
"Wha- what do you mean 'nope'?"
"Nope! Nope! Nope! Not happening. I refuse to go back home and you can't make me!" I taunted back.
"Your parents want you to go back home..."
"Bullshit!" I yelled standing up on the bed and pointing at Byakuya.
"Well I refuse to listen to you when you're acting like this." Byakuya walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

I sat back down and a few tears escaped my eyes. They didn't want me, why would they lie? I'm not going back that's for sure but I don't know where else to go. I heard some people start screaming outside my door. Naturally, I got up to check it out but as soon as I opened my door the screaming got significantly louder. Most of my fellow students were crowded around some of the other room doors. Gonta came up to me and picked me up to put me on his shoulders.
"What's going on?" I said while trying to keep my balance.
"Himiko is awake!" Gonta cheered. Before I could say anything in response another door opened around me and I saw Maki walk out. I started to get anxious, Shuichi was the only one left to wake up. I was so ready for this, I have been waiting so long for him to wake up.

As if on cue Shuichi's door opened and everyone rushed to hug him. It may have been unexpected but it was nice of Gonta to lift me up so I could see what was going on. I told Gonta to move forward and and he did as he was told. I jumped down to meet the back of Kaede while she was hugging Shuichi. Since I'm pretty small I snuck under some other peoples legs and hugged Shuichi too. Normally I wouldn't do this but since everyone else was I felt like it was appropriate for me to do so as well. Shuichi has his arms around everyone but when I got there he moved and hugged me and me alone. I'm not sure if anyone else noticed surprisingly but I sure did. I'm sure I was a blushing mess. I looked up at him to be met with his greenish grey eyes looking right at me. He lowered his head to be closer to mine and whispered to me...

"Can we talk soon?"

His voice was so soothing, I missed it so much. I missed him in general soooo much. I nodded into his chest and pulled away as everyone else did. I wanted to keep my calm so I skipped away. Unfortunately Shuichi saw me and decided to grab my wrist. I'm not entirely sure why but I got scarred when he did this. Not an "I have a crush and I'm too scared to be near him" kind of scared but more of a "I've been here before and it wasn't fun" kind of scared. The texts I got from my mother only brought back so much memory wise, I still didn't remember everything. I wonder if I've been in this situation before. I had an overwhelming fear that Shuichi was mad and he wanted to take his anger out on me even if his smile looked so loving. I immediately took my hand back as I felt my eyes start to water. I hadn't been around everyone in a while since I spent so much time in my room.

Everyone looked at me. I couldn't help it, I fell to the floor and held onto my arm that Shuichi touched like my life depended on it. He rushed over to me and asked me what was wrong. I stared at the ground not looking up, I didn't want him to know I was close to crying. This is so unlike me. Normally I'm energetic and confident but all I felt now was the feeling of being small and insignificant. Was this a side effect of being in the real world now? Was my personality in the game not entirely me? I'm sure my actions are things I would do, I would gladly still give my life to save my friends but I feel different. When I got the courage to stand up I ran outside with everyone still looking at me.

Shuichi POV

I was about to go and run after Kokichi but Gonta told me he would take care of it all. I feel like it's my problem to take care of since I'm the one who scared Kokichi off but... I didn't want to fight with Gonta... he could break me. I stood in the middle of the room watching Gonta walk outside. I walked back to my room for a bit, there was a box on the floor and a phone on the table next to the small bed. I knew what was going on, before I woke up somehow a small Monokuma came and explained things to Himiko, Maki, and me. I wasn't sure if I should trust Monokuma but since I woke up and everything he explained seems to be true I guess I can trust him. There was a hoodie on my bed as well, it was my My Chemical Romance hoodie. The hoodie was folded neatly on the end of my bed I was getting kind of cold so I threw the hoodie
on quickly and went back outside to talk to my friends. The hoodie smelled... not like me, more like someone who's worn it several times.

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