You All Know?!

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Chapter 18: you all know?!

Kokichi's POV

Tomorrow is my birthday! I'm excited, I kept reminding Shuichi that all I wanted was to spend time with him so I'm hoping that's what I get. It would mean the world to me if I could spend time with Shuichi. Whenever I normally spend time with Shuichi for long periods of time it's at night, when we're sleeping, so the time passes very quickly. Sometimes though, every now and then the time goes by a little slower, if you know what I mean.

Kaede has been avoiding me, I shouldn't have said anything but I wanted her to stop pushing me. Shuichi said she's been talking to him however, and he said she feels bad about it. She could easily come up to me and just start talking again and I wouldn't mind. I just don't like talking about anything I've been through and she almost forced me to so if she wanted to apologize I wouldn't stop her. In fact, at this point, I might just go up to her myself. I don't like fighting with her, she's usually a good person to have as a friend.

Shuichi's in our room right now, working on detective stuff yet again. I was about to go to mess with him when someone grabbed my wrist.
"*screeches aggressively* let go!" I yelled.
"Sorry!" A familiar tone apologized. I took my hand away as quickly as possible. Sometimes it's like people can read my mind and know when I'm thinking about them.
"Hey..." I said, this is awkward.
"Hey..." Kaede replied, "I just wanted to say I was sorry, I didn't want us to be fighting on your birthday and I've felt bad about the whole situation since it happened."
"Well then why didn't you say anything sooner?"
"I don't know, I guess I wanted to give you some space."
"Alright sure, apology forgiven, as long as you don't bring it up again." I didn't want to fight with her either. So the best thing would be to forgive her... at least I think, I'm not good at decisions.

"Friends?" She held out her hand to me.
"Friends!" I shook her hand aggressively and walked away. It was bother Shuichi time! When I got to our room he wasn't at his desk like I thought he was. I stepped into the room to see if he was there at all and got surprised by a Shuichi who came and hugged me from behind.
"Hello to you too Shuichi." I laughed as he kissed my cheek.
"Sorry I heard you coming but then get stopped by kaede so I decided to scare you." Shuichi chuckled. I turned around in his arms to meet his face. He looked nervous for some reason.

"You ok?" I asked curiously.
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"You look nervous."
"N- nervous? Do I? I don't know why I would." Shuichi picked me up as I wrapped my legs around him.
"You're trying to distract me-!" I laughed before getting cut off. Shuichi started to spin around.
"I'm not trying to distract you from anything." He smiled, I can tell he's definitely lying.
"Awe is someone worried I won't like their present? Shuichi I told you I just want your time-"
"I'm not worried! Why should I be worried? I'm sure you'll love my gift." Shuichi put me down and held my hands.

"Shuichiiiii you know you're bad at lying."
"Fine maybe I'm a little nervous..."
"Ooo ooo ooo what is it?! If you're nervous then it's obviously not what I asked for."
"What! I can't tell you!" Shuichi was actively getting more nervous.
"Come onnnn you can tell me!" I put my arms around his waist and hugged him closely.
"Pleaseeeeee." I gave him puppy dog eyes.
"Noooo, not stop it or I'm going to spoil the surprise and Kaede would get mad at me."
"Kaede? You worked with Kaede?"

"I mean technically yes. It was my idea though!"
"I'm intrigued, go on."
"No! Not happening, stop it!"
"So lameeeeee." I flopped onto Shuichi's bed.
"Trust me you don't want me to spoil it, it won't be as... magical." Shuichi replied.
"Huh? Are you pregnant Shumai?!" I sat up and stared at him.
"You're the bottom here!" He looked surprised.
I walked to him and put my hand on his stomach, "I'm so happy for you!"
"Wha- stop no I'm not pregnant."
"Good I don't like children." I smiled widely.
"You're confusing sometimes." Shuichi laughed.
"You said it was magical!" I laughed.

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