Chapter 29: This Is Us Crashing And Burning

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"They say love is pain, well darling, let's hurt tonight."

Song: Let's Hurt Tonight ~ One Republic


29. This Is Us Crashing And Burning



"Shay, can you hear me?"

I opened my eyes and sat up in my bed.

"Are you awake?"  the person chuckled.

I rubbed my eyes. "Who are you?"

"Really?" the voice said. "Has it been that long?"

My brain finally caught up with what was going on and instantly put a name and face to the voice.

I saw the blonde-haired boy much more clearly. "Ca...Cameron?"

He smiled and walked over to the side of the bed. "Are you not happy to see me?"

"You're dead," I deadpanned.

He looked at his hands. "I'd say I'm very much alive."

I fell back on my bed. "I'm going crazy. It's the drugs, they finally got to me didn't they? I'm crazy."

He squatted down to my level and chuckled. "You're dreaming."

"How do I wake myself up?" I asked.

"That, my friend, is entirely up to you," he said.

I sat up again. "What do you want?"

His expression softened. "I miss you."

I felt my heart break into two and I wondered if I could hug him. I mean, was he like a ghost or what?

"I miss you too," I said quietly.

"Then why haven't you come to see me?" he asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "See you?"

He nodded. "Yeah. I mean I know I'm the ground...but at least you can still visit me...right?"

He was talking about the cemetery.

"I can't go back there Cam," I said. "It would shatter me. Knowing that you're not here shatters me."

"You're happy aren't you?" he asked. "I know you are, and I'm happy for you. That's exactly what I wanted for you. I just wish you didn't forget me along the way."

"What?" I questioned. "Cameron I haven't forgotten you. I could never forget you."

He smiled at me, and I fought back the tears that threatened to spill when I realized how much I had missed his smile.

"It's okay, I understand," he said.

"Cameron, I have not forgotten you," I repeated.

He stood up straight and chuckled. "Bye Shayley."

"Where are you going?" I asked him.

"You're about to wake up," he told me. "Take care, okay?"

"Wait, don't go! I haven't forgotten you!" I screamed.

He ignored my cries and went out the door anyway.

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